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on 2007-12-18
 Video of Jim Butterfield

The video of Jim Butterfield at the LUCKI Expo 2005 has now been posted to
the Net! This is the same video that was shown at the Commodore Vegas Expo v3
(2007), at the Vintage Computer Festival X, and at the World of Commodore Expo
2007. The video is available for download (thanks, Ian) in Quicktime, Windows
Media, and Real Player formats. You can download a section of the video or the
complete 45-minute video. Here is what Ian Matthews of Commodore.ca had to say --

"I have created a large selection of options for those who are interested in seeing the
mighty Jim. See the bottom of:


Note that the large files are marked in bold and you would be wise to right click on
them and select SAVE TARGET AS and save them to your desktop rather than
attempting to play them through your browser."

Check out the many other videos
there, too,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids

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