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C16 Chris
on 2007-11-04
 Re: Not for Italians only - Help wanted

I have help from Italy and a first translation of Go Games 11 Magazine in english.


Now i look for a little bit Help to translate it in german.

Posted By

C16 Chris
on 2007-11-01
 Re: Not for Italians only - Help wanted

SVS i am sorry but registration is only in german.

Step by Step:
1 klick on - Registrieren - on Top of Page.
2 klick on - Ich bin mit den Konditionen dieses Forums einverstanden. -
3 - Benutzername: * - Type in your nickname
4 - E-Mail-Adresse: * - Type in your eMailadress
5 - Passwort: * - Type in a Log in Code.
6 - Passwort bestätigen: * - reply your Log in Code
7 - Bestätigungs-Code: * - Type in Leters and Numbers from Picture.
The * says you must fill in.

In the International Forum you can post in english.

Posted By

on 2007-10-31
 Re: Not for Italians only - Help wanted

the registration form is only in german, or can be set in English?

Posted By

C16 Chris
on 2007-10-31
 Not for Italians only - Help wanted

I have scaned the Magazine from Go Games 11 (mor will coming soon), create a Forum and hope everybody can help me to translate it first in english and then in german.

The Link to the Forum and when you are registrated you can see the Link to RapidShare.


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