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on 2007-10-27
 Re: From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

Yeah, developing a gizmo is one part, but managing all the bugs, especially the "hard-to-reproduce" ones is very time consuming and hard job. Imagine: you develop something you beleive it is great, then everyone reports hangups you cannot reproduce, due to circumstances, missing hardware, etc. After some time -when people recognising it that his great stuff is a bug-collection- the guy capitulate and stop the business.
These Non-Reproducible failures are the most nasty ones, believe me, developers hate them above all...
That's why I always buy such things already available since 1 year and have some positive comments by others, I am a big fan of technical forums happy
And for the same reason I develop nothing (although i have a SW-developer degree for that), but went to quality area, and instead of getting annyoing complaints, I complain to developers, much easier happy)

Posted By

on 2007-10-06
 Re: From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

I have built original 1541III approx. a year ago..
Picture on my site:

It has many bugs and compatibility "leaks".Some cards are not working correctly,sometimes you have to reformat the card,because something getting totally wrong...
If you are loading long files,emulator program is freezing in the drive sometimes.
LCD control and file select functions has serious,random problems too..
I reported all of my problems to original author,but he turned me down,he does not see these are serious problems,and so on..what I'm waitng "for free"...it is only "a _just for fun project_".etc.

Posted By

on 2007-09-30
 Re: From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

Like I said, I'm not a Plus4 man at all (though I have 7 untested ones lying around here somewhere...). I guess since there's no Freezer cartridge for the Plus4 the resaving would be difficult. I can't think of any easy way of doing it through VICE either. Do any of the Plus4 specific emulators have "save to .d64" functions?
Would I be right in thinking few Plus4 disk games had fastloaders anyway?

Posted By

on 2007-09-30
 Re: From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

Removing the use of a fastloader may be more complicated than just re-saving the files, though.

Posted By

on 2007-09-30
 Re: From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

Being a Plus4 noobie, would most Plus4 .d64s have to be loaded into an emulator and re-saved as a non-fastload .d64 to work with this gizmo? Surely worth the effort, and maybe a library od such could be assembled somewhere...

Posted By

on 2007-09-30
 Re: From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

and what about the irq loaders?

Posted By

on 2007-09-30
 Re: From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

It's sad it is not 100% accurate. They said fastloaders won't work.

Posted By

on 2007-09-29
 From Lemon64: "1541-III-DTV for DTV and C64 soon available"

"....It has been successfully tested on the following machines: VIC 20, C64, C16 and Plus4 ...."
(I'm not connected to the seller)

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