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on 2007-09-15
 Re: The future of the site

Csabo: we'll wait for your return, when you'll can.
I think it is normal in the life to meet times with problems that need all us, and of course hobbies cannot have priority to family and work.
This is happened to all us (me more times, last one in June/July). Somebody knew it, someother could not have noticed it. The fact is that *you* are a key-man in the scene, then your absence is suddenly noted.
But don't worry, indeed we'll try to do our best.

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on 2007-09-14
 The future of the site

I'd like to announce something that's a bit off topic and personal. The reason I'm choosing to say this in public is because so many of you are contacting me and I don't want to keep explaining the same stuff over and over. Due to recent circumstance changes in my personal life, I don't have as much time for the site or the scene as I used to. I used to have a solid 6-16 hours to work on Plus/4 stuff every week, now that's nearly gone. So I'm semi-retired, and currently not active. Just to be clear, this is not due to anything anyone did or whatever, it's as simple as what I said above: no time. The Plussy is still my number one hobby, but hobbies can only come after family and work, and those two are taking up everything right now. All I have time for is a few minutes of reading the forum, and even that not every day. I'm sure things will change, definitely in January some changes are coming up, so I'll see. I'll be "back" as soon as I can.

But it's cool happy This year has been a blast so far for me. The highlight was THE PARTY, I still think about it a lot, it was just awesome to meet everyone. I'm very thankful to Gaia and Tom of LOD for helping me with my accommodations during my trip. Plus my "hand" was in a lot of stuff this year, a lot of collaborations (Chris Snowden, Skoro, Erich and others). So it's time anyway to take a breather.

The future of the site should be bright though... I'm really hoping it will keep prospering. In my mind, Plus/4 World (or "emucamp", as so many people keep referring to it wink) is FOR the community BY the community. I you have new stuff to add or have news, either submit it yourself, or submit it to Luca or someone else listed as an administrator. Ask for access and contribute! It would be nice if we could channel the available resources to go to good use. Take the effort and MAKE THE SITE YOURS. I think individually managed sites have no future - well, there's evidence for that actually... I'm sad to see places like this: http://edc.freeweb.hu/ become abandoned after brief flashes of activity. It would be good to arrange Plus/4 World in a manner so that the different areas are more clear, (e.g. have mission statements), in order to make it easier for people who want to contribute to do so. You know, there are guys (*cough* DGS *cough*) who like to deal with game cheats, so they should take over that part and make it a mini project. Perhaps dealing with everything on one site IS too big of a task, but I don't think so, especially because everything relates. Publications discuss games, games have hardware requirements, hardware items have manuals which are publications, etc. Everything is connected. Okay, I rambled on long enough happy

I'd be happy to send the whole site's PHP code to anyone who's interested. If you have time, dedication and PHP/MySQL knowledge, now is the time to step up. Also, perhaps the code could be reviewed for security flaws, or to add improvements etc. Again, contact Luca or the others if you can help. I'm sure Luca is thrilled that I volunteer him all the time happy But we have to give credit where credit is due: he's an awesome guy who puts a ton of work into the scene life and into this site.

That's all for now!

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