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on 2008-07-22
 Re: cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter

nobody cares it? nobody have a real (plus4) computer?

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on 2008-06-26
 Re: cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter


i see, there is maybe a solution! anybody who using it already?

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on 2008-06-26
 Re: cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter

its a major pain in the ass! my notebook doesn't have paralel port and nowadays nothing have paralel ports!! ..and my poor idea comes , if some "buffer" chip (e.g. a microcontroller with some ram) buffers the data between the computer and the oldie drive? or some new stuff i missed in this topic? its very serious to keep alive our flamingos!

Posted By

on 2007-06-10
 Re: cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter

That unfortunately won't work... IEC needs tight timing and direct parallel port programming. The USB to parallel port converters don't provide either. What you'll need is currently in beta stage, the XU1541 (see this thread).

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on 2007-06-09
 Re: cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter

I think that your problem has nothing to do with the third party parallel port cards.
It will never work with that adapter.
You can read more about it here:

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on 2007-06-08
 Re: cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter

i found it for myself happy

Windows: No third party PCI parallel port card does work with opencbm on Windows currently; to say it with other words: there is no proof or positive report that any third party PCI parallel port card does or did work with opencbm on Windows. The exact failure reason is not known to date, but we are investigating further since that feature is a must, when integrated parallel ports were removed from mainstream mainboards in the future.

so, not too much hope for now....

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on 2007-06-08
 Re: cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter

another hour passed. i have another computer with a real paralel port, it works usually, so i tried with the usb adapter.. with no success. i set the mb's paralel port to lpt2, then the virtual paralel port to lpt1 and restarted the machine and still no luck..

Posted By

on 2007-06-08
 cbm4win with usb to paralell adapter

hi all! i recently get my hands on an adapter called "sunix comhub", its an usb to paralell and serial port adapter with a moschip 7715 in it. the main reason is in the last month i got a notebook too with no legacy ports on it, and i wanted a solution to connect my 1541 to the notebook.. so, since 1 hour i try to connect it with cbm4win and with no success. if there anybody who tried it before, or some good advice please share it happy ..i have another one to test, but that device installs as a paralell to usb printer. my only hope in the moschip developed by guys from india happy http://www.moschip.com/html/MCS7715.html

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