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Posted By

on 2001-11-14
 Okay a lame attempt at help

I presume you're playing Icicle Works online through the Minus/4 Java that is on this site.

The way it works is that the Java runtime and the game data are downloaded to your machine, and then the game runs.

Therefore a lag or slow responses are most likely due to the machine processor, configuration, RAM available, Windows swap space, or other programs that you might have running at the same time.

I doubt that IE or Netscape would be the cause as long as you are running a fairly recent version (within the last year to 18 months).

Do any other online games from that page run slow (such as Exorcist or Saboteur)? If so, it's in your machine.... if not it could be how the game is written and may not be 100% compatiable with how it's being implemented ..... in which case you may want to download and install an emulator and the game itself on your machine.

James C in NTSC-land

Posted By

on 2001-11-13

Dudes, hope you can help. trying to play icicle works and run very slow. is it me machine, dial connection speed, or browser???

hope you can help

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