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on 2001-11-03
 Disk Drive Infomation

The 1542 was a charcoal-grey 1541. Never released by Commodore, it was planned but dropped when production started on the 1551.

The SFD1001 is for the PET/CBM line. There used to be an interface that allowed the 64 to make use of an IEEE drive, but I think it required the expansion port.

More info can be found at:

James C

Posted By

on 2001-11-03
 Dos anybody know drive model 1542?

I hear somewhere about it, specially designed for 264 series!
Second question: is SFD1001 working (and connectable) with a Plus4?
I saw one at cheap price on e-Bay.
Thank you people.

S\_/S of [FIRE]

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