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Posted By

on 2001-08-19

Check out his homepage, this guy can add 256k ram to a Plus4.


Take a look at the Plus4 Hardware page.

Posted By

on 2001-08-21
 I own a 256K Plus4...

and some special software works.
Furthermore I wrote a package taking vantage from the banking RAMs. (There are 4 banks of RAM, 64K each).
Do you need other infos?


Posted By

Fat Rakoon
on 2001-08-19
 Just a thought : Whats the MAX RAM possible on a Plus/4?

Erm, yeah, I was just wondering about this, so I thought, why not ask?

I have seen RAMPacks for the Commodore 64 to take it to 320k, and this is pretty wild for a small computer isnt it, but was there anything like this for the Plus/4???

You got 64K on a C16, so is that it??

Anyone know of anything, then that would be great to know about.

Thanks in advance

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