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on 2006-03-23
 Re: Help for a newcomer...

Hi there red rocket,

I have not firsthand experience running a Plus/4 emulator on Mac, and if I recall correctly this could be the first request for it happy A quick glance at the current list of emulators reveals that there's nothing listed under Mac. VICE and M.E.S.S. are however multiplatform. Out of those two I'd recommend VICE. Their site lists a Mac downloadable, you could give that a try. Your other options would be to try running any of the other emulators under a PC emulator (if you can run Windows apps, I'd recommend YAPE).

Posted By

on 2006-03-23
 Help for a newcomer...

Hi everyone,

Been reliving some very nostalgic memories on this great site. I was wondering how I can play C16 games on my Mac (OSX). If anyone could give me any help or point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.


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