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on 2004-03-02
 Re: Adept or apocholypse??

Hi there,

The game you are looking for is called Adept (Archon II), published by Electronic Arts. It's the sequel to Archon, and it has all the characters you mentioned in it.

However, it does not exist on the Plus/4. You are probably thinking of the C64. Check this link to an excellent archon site (screenshots, downloads): [ link ]. And another link: [ link ].

Posted By

on 2004-03-02
 Adept or apocholypse??

I remember playing a game when I was younger on my commodore plus 4 called something like adept. The basic concept was that you picked an army to fight an opponant. The main game screen was a stategic battle field like a chess board where you could move your pieces around to power points or fight an enermy. There were different terrains to it also. They was Earth, Wind and fire I believe. The other side to the game was the actual fights between the two sides pieces. I remember some of the names of the different kinds of pieces you could have to fight with: A wraith (invisable surprsie attack), juggernaut which you could run the other opponant down with. A Scorpian that stung, Something that punched and a salamanda amongst others. The king of this chess set was a soura who could do magic and banish or weaken the enermy. You won when all others were destroyed. I really only have the vaguest memory of it but if anyone else out there knows that the hell Im on about speak up or forever hold your peace.

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