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on 2014-10-10
 Re: last ninja 2, central park theme remake

Wow! Really cool tune!!!

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on 2014-10-08
 Re: last ninja 2, central park theme remake

While the track it's self is a 10/10 and I would not change a single note or instrument, it could be better... The voice volume levels need looking at and the reverb levels need to be reduce big time.

It might be the Masters work but strangely he has made some lead voices over load almost forcing you to listen to that part or to make it stand out more. The original was all one level allowing you to pick out and run off with the base line, drums, chords or lead and this in turn let you listen to the track in many different ways every time you played it. That's lost in this version.

Also the reverb becomes way to much in the second half and it all starts to sound messy and mashed up spoiling the track.

Other than that it's great, the start was amazing! Just needs a little more polish on the voice and reverb levels and it would be an Epic 11/10. happy

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on 2014-10-07
 Re: last ninja 2, central park theme remake

Nice find! Listened to it, and it is really great!
Bought it at once happy

It is the very first time buying something from a Legend ! grin

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on 2014-10-06
 last ninja 2, central park theme remake

Very cool music remix from famous c64 musician Matt Gray:



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