Zortek And The Microchips
Title:Zortek And The Microchips
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk (1 side) or 2 Tapes
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Retail Price:£12.99
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Released by:Commodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd. (CBM)
Notes:Full name: Start Programming with Zortek and the Microchips. Advertised as available in cassette or disk formats.
  External links:
    C64 release

User Rating: 6.3/10 (3 votes)
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Zortek And The Microchips Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Disk releaseCommodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd.1985Commercial£12.99DiskUnspecified0
Cassette releaseCommodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd.1985CommercialCassetteLarge boxUnspecified2
2 found.

Bundled: Zortek And The Mi... (Software Manual/English)

Box Cover (Front)
Submitted by Ulysses777
Box Cover (Front)
[ Large cover ]
Box Cover (Back)
Submitted by Ulysses777
Box Cover (Back)
[ Large cover ]
Box Cover (Left)
Submitted by Ulysses777
Box Cover (Left)

Submitted by Chris

Physical Media
Cassette 1
Submitted by Ulysses777
Cassette 1
Cassette 2
Submitted by Ulysses777
Cassette 2

Additional Information
It is an original COMMODORE-Release (US or/and UK ???) and it was delivered on two tapes,
an instruction-booklet (in full-color comic book style) and a sticker/badge ("I program with Gortek").
It was released for the C16/Plus4, the C64/C128 and the VIC20,
whereby the versions for the C64 and the VIC20 were called GORTEK AND THE MICROCHIPS !!!
This game/software was designed to teach programming the BASIC-Language to children - thus an BASIC-Course... ;-))

The (short) Story:
"Help ZORTEK (GORTEK) to teach the Microchips to program the Computer in time to ward off an attack from the powerfull Zitrons !"

Links to the C64 version

- the C64-Version (Box, 2 tapes, instructions and the sticker) [ link ]

- a larger/detailed foto of the C64-Box. [ link ]

- The C64-Version with everything which belongs to it in details… [ link ]

- The VIC20-Version (Box, 2 tapes, instructions and the sticker) [ link ]

- a larger/detailed foto of the VIC20-Box. [ link ]

- a Commodore-Comercial-Flyer with a little screenshot of the C64-Version… [ link ]

Facts About The Game
"The back of the stockroom had 2 big double doors. One night somebody ramraided the building and stole thousands of copies of a game called 'Zortek and the Microchips'. It was completely useless, and had been left there for years to keep the draught out - they couldn't sell it. They were about to claim thousands in insurance until the police recovered all of them, even the thieves didn't want them."
Kevin Blake, Tynesoft.

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