These two utility programs are from the same author - Common Soft, from 1988 and 1989 respectively. zxload - It will load ZX Spectrum program from tape. zxscn - It will load ZX Spectrum screen/picture from tape (typically loading before games).
The source code (in Genesis assembler) is provided. All comments are in Czech.
zxload common soft (c) 1988
Program source code, that allows to load programs from ZX Spectrum to C16, C116 and Plus4. To compile, set a bottom window equal 8 rows. Compiles and runs from $0C00, the program length is 648 bytes.
4 :; ***************************** 8 :; * * 12 :; * COPY ZX SPECTRUM --> C16 * 16 :; * * 20 :; * COMMON SOFT (C) 1988 * 24 :; * * 28 :; ***************************** 32 :; 36 :; ZDROJOVY TEXT PROGRAMU, KTERY UMOZNUJE PROGRAMY ZE 'ZX SPECTRA' 40 :;NATAHOVAT DO 'C16','C116'A'PLUS4' 44 :; PRI ULOZENI OD $0C00 JE TREBA NASTAVIT OKENKO NA DOLNICH 8 RAD- 48 :;KU OBRAZOVKY. DELKA JE 648 BAJTU. 52 :;=================================== 56 :; 60 : ORG $0C00 64 :QUELL EQU $FF09 ;TED - QUELL INT. 68 :BORDER EQU $FF19 ;TED - COLOR4 72 :REPORT EQU $CF66 ;HLASENI MONITORU 76 :PLAY EQU $E31B ;STLAC PLAY 80 :IOREP EQU $EBCA ;HLASENI SA/LO
zxscn common soft (c) 1989 Program source code, that allows to load a screen/picture from ZX Spectrum to C16, C116 and Plus4. Compiles and runs from $5000, the program length is 942 bytes. It cannot be saved to vram due to its length. 10 :; ***************************** 12 :; * * 14 :; * ZX SPECTRUM-SCREEN -> C16 * 16 :; * * 18 :; * COMMON SOFT (C) 1989 * 20 :; * * 22 :; ***************************** 24 :; 26 :; ZDROJOVY TEXT PROGRAMU, KTERY UMOZNUJE OBRAZOVKU ZE 'ZX SPECTRA' 28 :;NATAHOVAT DO 'C16','C116'A'PLUS4' 30 :; PRO ZNACNOU DELKU NELZE TENTO PROGRAM ULOZIT DO PAMETI TEXTOVE 32 :;OBRAZOVKY. DELKA JE 942 BAJTU. 34 :;=================================== 36 :; 38 : ORG $5000 40 :; 42 :QUELL EQU $FF09 ;TED - QUELL INT. 44 :BORDER EQU $FF19 ;TED - COLOR4 46 :REPORT EQU $CF66 ;HLASENI MONITORU 48 :PLAY EQU $E31B ;STLAC PLAY 50 :IOREP EQU $EBCA ;HLASENI SA/LO