Original version:Terra Cognita
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Distribution:As compilation
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Gruppo Editoriale International Education (GEIE)
Notes:Named "Jet Falcon" just like the other hacked game on the same tape Jet Falcon. TAP file courtesy of Giuseppe Di Lillo (sovox). Excluded from voting.
Vintage Title Screenshot

Vintage Screenshot

Appeared On Compilations
C16/MSX 28

Edited Screens
Terra Cognita had just been hacked translated and rereleased by GEIE on the same series, precisely in C16/MSX 10 under the new name Space Warrior (C16/MSX 10). This new hack looks like a completely new editing of the game map, something that surely enough the Italian hackers did not have the needing to afford. So, they have taken this somewhere else, we don't know where.

Few hints come from the level map itself, due to the design that includes some tag. At the moment, we read tags like: HI!, T-M-H, LFC, HACKERS UNITE!

Any info about it would be appreciated.

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