Tojásgyűjtés (Egghunt)
Title:Tojásgyűjtés (Egghunt)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:No end (no highscore)
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Notes:Published in Süni Magazin, written by Viktor Trón.
User Rating: 3.0/10 (3 votes)
Tojásgyűjtés Screenshot

Published: Süni Magazin 1986-12 (Magazine/Hungarian)

T Up
V Down
F Left
G Right

About The Original Publication
Thanks to Rachy for the info on the magazine (Süni). This is Hungarian magazine for kids about nature. On their official homepage, in the history section they mention the following:

"A Süni magazin 1985-ben született meg. Akkor még kicsi formátumú volt: nagyjából akkora, mint egy iskolai füzet, de nagyon sok mindent lehetett találni benne: volt például csillagászati és számítástechnikai rovat, valamint képregény is."

(Important bits: started in 1985, used to have a microcomputer section.)

We were looking for a scan since 2009, until 2019-09-16, when Charlemagne scanned it. Here's a very high quality scan of the page.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
Decimal (BASIC)Hexadecimal (MONITOR)
POKE 4186, 57
>105A 39
9 lives (unpacked)
POKE 6394, 48
>18FA 30
Unlimited lives (unpacked)
POKE 4890, 48
>131A 30
Unlimited oxygen (unpacked)

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