Tarzan Adventure +
Title:Tarzan Adventure +
Original version:Tarzan Adventure
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Scorpions (SCN)
Created by:TMTS
Notes:Single file tape version of the original. As the author mentions the original disk version is impossible to finish. This version is slightly more playable, but ironically it still contains a fatal bug (besides several other bugs that can be avoided).
User Rating: 1.5/10 (2 votes)
Tarzan Adventure + Screenshot

Solutions - Complete
Megjegyzés: ezt a játékot sem lehet befejezni, hacsak nem javítjuk ki a hibát az alábbiak szerint:
Note: this game is still impossible to complete, unless you fix the bug as follows:

LIST 6172
Szúrj be egy kettõspontot a két print közé / Insert a ":" between the two print statements

ny, ny, d, d, d, d
fog (pénzdarab)
d, ny, be, fel
megvesz (kulcs)
le, ki, k, é, é, é, é, é, k, k, d, d, d
nyit (fényceruza)
é, é, é, ny, ny, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, k, d, k
ad fényceruza (?syntax error in 6172 --> di=1:goto5980)
ny, é, ny, é, é, é, é, é, é, é, é, k, k, d, be, d
ad lemez

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