SD2IEC VCPU detector (from VCPU testcodes) ==========================================
Description from "VCPU guide":
A-DETECT: Prints the long version ("X?") of the found drive. Check for VCPU support ("ZI") and displays the response. After that it prints the number of buffer ("ZB") and the current state of the VCPU ("ZC"). It also includes a simple drive configuration utility.
Files: ======
a-detect-20.prg VIC20 version, no any memory expansion a-detect-203.prg VIC20 version, 3K memory expansion a-detect-208.prg VIC20 version, 8K(+) memory expansion a-detect-64.prg C64 version a-detect-264.prg C264 series (C16, C116, plus/4) version a-detect-128.prg C128 version
Load the file for the desired platform, then launch it with a RUN command! The program searches for the drive and then prints the version informations and others.