| Redknight | Title: | Redknight | Category: | Game/Adventure | Release Date: | 1986-03 | Language: | Italian | Size: | 16K | Device Req.: | Disk only | Machine: | PAL & NTSC | Code Type: | Basic | Distribution: | As compilation | Game ending type: | Has an end, game ends | |  | Released by: | Editoriale Video | Notes: | AKA Red Knight. Named "Readnight" on the bundled manual. |
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| Translations | Locations | Translated | Salone reale | Royal Hall | Foresta nera | Back Forest | Cucine del Re | King's Kitchen | Sei nella stanza delle torture. C'e' un uomo con il cappuccio. | You're in the torture chamber. There's a man here in a cowl. | Fuggi: c'e' un branco di lupi famelici!!! | Run: there's a pack of hungry wolves here! | Sei alla presenza di un vecchio saggio. | You are in the presence of a wise old man. |
Verbs | Translated | N,E,S,O | N,E,S,W (directions) | Fine | End (the game) | Os/Osservo | Look around | Alzo | Lift up | Aiuto | Help | Offro | Offer | Prendo | Take | Raccolgo | Collect | Chiedo | Ask | Dico | Say | Scrivo | Write | Sussurro | Whisper | Mormoro | Murmur | Urlo | Scream | Passo | Pass | Attraverso | Cross | Leggo | Read | Uso | Use | Mangio | Eat | Colpisco | Hit | Trafiggo | Pierce | Apro | Open | Brucio | Burn | Incendio | Set on fire | Scendo | Climb down |
Objects | Translated | Masso | Rock | Talismano | Talisman | Cuoco | Cook | Nome | Name | Grotta | Cave | Cibo | Food | Drago | Dragon | Fiori | Flowers | Cascata | Waterfall | Foglie | Leaves | Mago | Wizard | Sughero | Cork | Insetti | Insects | Pietre | Stones | Serpi | Snakes | Chiave | Key | Porta | Door | Spada | Sword | Torcia | Torch | Rupe | Crag | Savana | Savannah | Resina | Resin |
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| Solutions - Complete | :: first test - find the king's name :: s aiuto cuoco (help the cook) n, e [os] (look around) alzo masso (lift up the rock) prendo talismano (take talisman) e offro talismano (offer talisman) s chiedo nome (ask name - it's vicus) n, o, o scrivo vicus (write vicus)
:: second test - face the dragon :: urlo (scream) prendo foglie (take leaves) leggo foglie (read leaves) e [os] prendo fiori (take flowers) s o passo cascata (pass waterfall) [os] esco grotta (exit cave) e, n, n, e offro fiori (offer flowers) dico iacitignem libra (say iacitignem libra)
:: third test - defeat the wizard:: scendo rupe (climb down crag) prendo insetti (take insects) e [os] prendo sughero (take cork) prendo resina (take resin) s prendo pietre (take stones) s mangio insetti (eat insects) prendo torcia (take torch) n, n, e, e uso torcia (use torch) prendo chiave (take key) s incendio savana (set on fire savannah) prendo spada (take sword) o, s, o [os] apro porta (open door) colpisco me (hit me)
:: ending phase - talk to the king :: vicus vivo (alive) me (me)
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