Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Distribution:As compilation
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Editoriale Video
Notes:AKA Red Knight. Named "Readnight" on the bundled manual.
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Redknight Title Screenshot

Redknight Screenshot

Appeared On Compilations
Videoteca Computer 11

Locations Translated
Salone reale Royal Hall
Foresta nera Back Forest
Cucine del Re King's Kitchen
Sei nella stanza delle torture. C'e' un uomo con il cappuccio. You're in the torture chamber. There's a man here in a cowl.
Fuggi: c'e' un branco di lupi famelici!!! Run: there's a pack of hungry wolves here!
Sei alla presenza di un vecchio saggio. You are in the presence of a wise old man.

Verbs Translated
N,E,S,O N,E,S,W (directions)
Fine End (the game)
Os/Osservo Look around
Alzo Lift up
Aiuto Help
Offro Offer
Prendo Take
Raccolgo Collect
Chiedo Ask
Dico Say
Scrivo Write
Sussurro Whisper
Mormoro Murmur
Urlo Scream
Passo Pass
Attraverso Cross
Leggo Read
Uso Use
Mangio Eat
Colpisco Hit
Trafiggo Pierce
Apro Open
Brucio Burn
Incendio Set on fire
Scendo Climb down

Objects Translated
Masso Rock
Talismano Talisman
Cuoco Cook
Nome Name
Grotta Cave
Cibo Food
Drago Dragon
Fiori Flowers
Cascata Waterfall
Foglie Leaves
Mago Wizard
Sughero Cork
Insetti Insects
Pietre Stones
Serpi Snakes
Chiave Key
Porta Door
Spada Sword
Torcia Torch
Rupe Crag
Savana Savannah
Resina Resin

Solutions - Complete
:: first test - find the king's name ::
aiuto cuoco (help the cook)
n, e
[os] (look around)
alzo masso (lift up the rock)
prendo talismano (take talisman)
offro talismano (offer talisman)
chiedo nome (ask name - it's vicus)
n, o, o
scrivo vicus (write vicus)

:: second test - face the dragon ::
urlo (scream)
prendo foglie (take leaves)
leggo foglie (read leaves)
prendo fiori (take flowers)
passo cascata (pass waterfall)
esco grotta (exit cave)
e, n, n, e
offro fiori (offer flowers)
dico iacitignem libra (say iacitignem libra)

:: third test - defeat the wizard::
scendo rupe (climb down crag)
prendo insetti (take insects)
prendo sughero (take cork)
prendo resina (take resin)
prendo pietre (take stones)
mangio insetti (eat insects)
prendo torcia (take torch)
n, n, e, e
uso torcia (use torch)
prendo chiave (take key)
incendio savana (set on fire savannah)
prendo spada (take sword)
o, s, o
apro porta (open door)
colpisco me (hit me)

:: ending phase - talk to the king ::
vivo (alive)
me (me)

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