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Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Code by:FeCO
Notes:See also Patt.
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News: BrewOtaku 002 (Magazine/English) pg. 9

BASIC 10Liner 2024PUR-80125.58

* PattB10L PUR80 *

by FeCO, 2024

Basic10Liner Contest, PUR80 Category

Commodore 16/116/232/Plus4

You have to guide the ball through the fields avoid the missing and the red brackets. You can get long jump option when you touch the yellow brick (possible more than one touch). You can earn points when touch the black bricks (only one touch counts). Have Fun!


X - normal Jump

c - long jump if you can (yellow number) or normal jump

Program Lines:

0: Set the graphic mode, the array of the field ( O()) disable the keyrepeat (poke) set the colors and the field X coordinate (G), 8 levels (FOR N) plays the next level sound

1: plays the rest of the levels sound,set the color of the long jump brick, FOR P... Made the field, black bricks, and random red one these stores in O().

2: Set the color of the bricks frame, and draws the frames, then paint them black, red or yellow. Sets the balls variables as start

3: Set the balls color, FORC will delete some bricks if you are next levels FORQ is the main routin A$ - keypressed

4: check X or C keys pressed and if still in game jumps, if you pressed C and you have long jump (U) then long jumps the ball

5-6: check if the ball on the lowest position, then touches.. no brick (H 0) - falls E=20, Yellow brick (H =2) increase long jumps, or red/black bricks: falls or earn points (M) with sounds

7: Move/Draw the ball

8: Check if the ball still in the field, Long jump reversed to normal (V=1)

9: Level completed sound, or finished the game

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