Oszkár A Lovag (Oscar The Knight)
Title:Oszkár A Lovag (Oscar The Knight)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
 Play Online!
Released by:Novotrade Magyarország
Produced by:DELTASoft
Cracked by:Supy
Cracked by:Obelix
Notes:AKA Oscar. Written by Sándor Bartha (Fernand Soft). Oscar the Knight must collect 5 items and find princess Mirandolina on the 6th. Password for Supy's crack: BEST SUPY. Also cracked by Mr. Gregory.
  External links:
    Primo release
    Videoton TVC release

User Rating: 6.5/10 (12 votes)
Oszkár A Lovag Title Screenshot

Oszkár A Lovag Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseNovotrade Magyarország1987CommercialCassetteUnspecified0
1 found.

Oszkár A Lovag

Derived Software
Oscar (Krussoft)

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
Click here for larger version.
Cassette Cover Instructions
Cassette Cover Instructions
Cassette Cover (Alternative)
Submitted by Lacus
Cassette Cover (Alternative)
Cassette Cover Back (Alternative)
Submitted by Lacus
Cassette Cover Back (Alternative)

Physical Media


Load this .FRE file as snapshot in YAPE emulator.

This game was also developed for Primo (a Hungarian Z80-based 8bit computer):
- Downloadable Game
- Cover

From the above site's guestbook:

"Név: Gulyás László
E-mail: gulyas@pollak.sulinet.hu
Dátum: 2003-10-13 06:57:39
Hozzászólás: Üdvözletem!

Az Oszkár a lovag elnevezésű játék szerzője Bartha Sándor, iskolánk volt tanulója, aki az érettségit követően 3 hét alatt irta meg, úgy, hogy az assembler fordító megírása is belefért. Programozó matematikusként végzett azután Szegeden a JATE-n. Jelenleg is ott él és sikeres a pályán. Egyebként nagyon jónak tartom a Primo-weboldalt. Régi, nosztalgikus emlékeket idéz.

Üdvözlettel: Gulyás László tanár, Pollák Antal Műszaki Szakközépiskola, Szentes"
"Name: László Gulyás
E-mail: gulyas@pollak.sulinet.hu
Date: 2003-10-13 06:57:39
Comment: Greetings!

The author of the game 'Oscar The Knight' is Sándor Bartha, who was a student of our school, and developed the game after the finals in 3 weeks, during which he developed the assembly compiler as well. Afterwards he completed a programmer-mathematician course at JATE, Szeged. He still lives there and he has a successful career. By the way I really like the Primo page, it brings back nostialgic memories.

Regards: László Gulyás teacher, Pollák Antal Technical High School, Szentes"

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