| Newton Almája (Newton's Apple) | Title: | Newton Almája (Newton's Apple) | Category: | Game/Logic | Release Date: | 1987 | Language: | Hungarian | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL Only | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Commercial/PD | Product Code: | ED 140 | Retail Price: | 360 HUF | | | Distributed by: | Novotrade Magyarország | Produced by: | Octasoft | Notes: | A complex (and still unsolved) puzzle game. The C16 version is a 4-part multi-loader. Release year is likely '87, based on the product code, and the end date (1988-01-31) of the related contest. |
Alternative version:
C16 version:
User Rating: 5.6/10 (3 votes)
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Plus/4 release | Novotrade Magyarország | 1987 | Commercial | ED 140 | 360 HUF | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 0 |
C16 release | Novotrade Magyarország | 1987 | Commercial | ED 141 | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 1 |
2 found. |
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| Covers | |
Cassette Cover (Plus/4 Version) |
Cassette Cover (C16 Version) |
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| Physical Media | Cassette (Plus/4 Version) |
Cassette (C16 Version) |
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| Description | This is a very mysterious game! It has been released for Plus/4, C64, ZX Spectrum, Enterprise and Videoton TV Computer (see this Hungarian description for the Enterprise version: http://ep128.hu/Ep_Games/Leiras/Newton_almaja.htm)
The ultimate goal is to solve a riddle. There was a contest running until January 31, 1988. Owners of the game could mail in part of the cover with the solution to win a VCR and other prizes. To our knowledge, the game has not been solved yet! The closest thing to a solution is right here on our page, see below. It is a work in progress.
The game was written in Forth or CForth, which makes it extremely complex and obfuscated (if you are a coder, try to disassemble it).
Controls: Move around: Cursor Select: Space F1: Give up current riddle
The screen shows the aerial view of a city. You can walk around and try to enter the buildings. Each door has a 3 letter/number combination. Some doors open for any combination, and there are advanced mechanics at work for others.
Once a door is opened, you get a riddle. If you can solve it, you receive a clue, or some other reward.
Translations: "Mi a betűzár kódja?" - What is the letter lock's combination? "A zár nem nyílik!" - The lock won't open! (You entered the wrong code.) "Ez most nem időszerű!" - It's not the time for this! (This door cannot be opened right now, regardless of the code.) "Belépni tilos!" - Entry forbidden! (Shown if you've already been to this door, or tried to open it with the wrong code too many times.)
| |
| Solutions - Partial | Overview:
Bug: The game ignores the last letter of every answer. For example, when the game expects the answer to be SZEGED, "SZEGE" will also work, or "SZEGEWWW", etc. This happens to "fix" another bug specific to door A6, see below.
Main tasks: - Figure out the 7 (random) letters by trial-and-error, and figure out the lock combinations (fixed, see below). - Solve riddles to collect clues. - Solve A1 to open the 2nd half of the first city. - In the first city, you receive (up to) 25 pieces of a picture, which assemble to this:
According to the clue from L2, the picture refers to the 2nd line of one of the poems (unknown which poem, or what's the significance of this). - Solve K3 to enter the second city. - Figure out the letters for the 2nd city by trial-and-error. - Solve riddles to collect clues. - In the second city, letters and numbers are given (in pairs, not sure if that matters). There's total of 25. At the moment, it's unclear what to do with them: [C D], [D E], [E E], [É H], [H M], [M O], [O O], [R T], [T] [3 32], [1 3], [24 1], [3 9], [10 2], [20 9], [14 1], [1 2], [10 4], [10 1], [7 4], [15 1], [9 4], [9 3], [12 5], [0 0] - The letters can be combined to a book title, which is HETEDHÉT COMMODORE. The numbers are likely page number / letter number combinations.
FINALLY! Here's how the locks work!
The locks use only 7 letters. The letters themselves are always random, but the combinations are fixed. After reset (or re-loading the game on a real machine) the letters will be randomized.
CHEAT: type the code below in the emulator MONITOR any time, to see the CURRENT 7 letters in order (0-6). T 5EFF 5F05 0E70 (Plus/4 version) T 208F 2095 0E70 (C16 version)
"*" in the combinations means any letter will work. *** means the door will open for any combination of letters.
Below you can see the solved codes, which will work for this case: We can guarantee that the program is run exactly the same way. This is where emulators come in! Here's how the codes below will work: Run the 31Kb PRG file in Windows using YAPE from 0.80 - 1.0.6 (verified to work with 1.0.6, but not with later versions). The letters are: 0=H, 1=N, 2=W, 3=K, 4=F, 5=T, 6=Í
First City
The buildings are marked with a letter. Each building has multiple doors, which are numbered from 1, starting on the top going clockwise. Only the first half of the city (A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I) is open at start. Once you open the second half (F, J, K, L, M, N, O, P), you cannot go back.
First City / First Half
Door |
Code |
Riddle |
Solution |
Reward |
A1 |
061 (HÍN) |
"Egy kis matek (A little math): CBLKAF + ADBPSK = FCKALCC" |
Picture fragment Solving this opens the other half of the city and close the first half. |
A2 |
042 (HFW) |
"Írd be a következő szót! (Enter the following word!) NYAKATOKON VAD ÚRI: |
TATÁROK (Ady Endre: Csák Máté földjén) |
Picture fragment |
A3 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
A4 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
A5 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
A6 |
233 (WKK) |
"Hány éves Zoli, ha a húga, a nővére és a saját életkorának a szorzata ###?" (How old is Zoli, if his younger sister's, his older sister's and his own age's multiplied equals ###?)
Note: Here the game is buggy, it only checks the first character of the answer. So for "23", "2" or "299" are both accepted. This works out perfectly, since for the last question, where the correct answer would be "41", the game thinks it's 43. Due to the bug "41" is accepted.
12673 --> 23, because 19 * 23 * 29 = 12673 20677 --> 29, because 23 * 29 * 31 = 20677 33263 --> 31, because 29 * 31 * 37 = 33263 47027 --> 37, because 31 * 37 * 41 = 47027 65231 --> 41, because 37 * 41 * 43 = 65231
| Picture fragment |
B1 |
045 (HFT) |
"Mi az eredeti szöveg?" (What's the original text?) AAÁIKMNOTT ÁBCEJLMOOST |
Katonáimat elbocsájtom (Ady: Az elbocsájtott légió) |
Picture fragment |
B2 |
*** any 3 letters |
"Írd be a következő szót!" (Enter the following word!) NEM KELLEK JÓL VAN |
Picture fragment |
B3 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
C1 |
*** any 3 letters |
"Írd be a hiányzó szót!" (Enter the missing word!) HAVAS ... AZ ERDŐN |
KRISZTUSKERESZT (Ady: Krisztus-kereszt az erdőn) |
Picture fragment, but also yields the following text first: FIGYELEM! A mellékelt leírással ellentétben a 2. városba belépésnek nem feltétele az összes képrészlet begyûjtése. ATTENTION! As opposed to what the included manual says, to collect all the picture pieces is not necessary to enter the 2nd city. |
C2 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
D1 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
D2 |
*** any 3 letters |
"Melyik város jut eszedbe erről a névről?" (Which city does this name remind you of?) |
Picture fragment |
D3 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
D4 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
E1 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
E2 |
605 (ÍHT) |
Random riddle: "Írd be a hiányzó szót!" (Enter the missing word!) |
"ADVENT A ..." --> HARGITÁN (Play by András Sütő)
"MALOM A ..." ---> SÉDEN (1988 movie)
"KÖZJÁTÉK .." ---> VICHYBEN (Another play)
"... NŐK" -------> TRÓJAI (1973 movie)
"... VÍG NŐK" ---> WINDSORI There's a clue elsewhere about an actor, possibly one actor has played in all of these? |
Picture fragment |
G1 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
G2 |
**4 (**F) |
"Írd be a hiányzó szót!" (Enter the missing word!) SÖTÉT ... SZIKRÁKAT SZÓRT |
HAJA (Ady: Az anyám és én) |
Picture fragment |
G3 |
*41 (*FN) |
"Mi az eredeti szöveg?" (What's the original text?) Á ÉÜŐ EEE |
MÁR VÉNÜLŐ KEZEMMEL (Ady: Őrizem a szemed) |
Picture fragment |
G4 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
H1 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
H2 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
H3 |
*** Any 3 letters |
"Állítsd helyre a képet!" (Fix this picture!) You get a 14-15 type game which needs to be solved. Use the cursor keys to move the red piece. |
Picture fragment |
H4 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
I1 |
205 (WHT) |
"Írd be a következo szót:" (Enter the following word!) IFJÚ SZIVEKBEN |
Picture fragment |
I2 |
??? (tried all same-3-letters combos, nothing works. Cannot be opened?) |
I3 |
??? |
I4 |
*11 (*NN) |
Írd be a következő szót: (Enter the following word!) ÚTRA KELÜNK MEGYÜNK AZ |
Picture fragment |
I5 |
Advanced mechanics! The first time you try any code, you will set the door to that code. Try that exact same code again, and the door will open! This also work if you first "set" the code at I2. |
"Írd be a következo szót!" (Enter the following word!) BE ÉPSZ A ÉGIR ÉKP A |
TISZTA (Ady Endre: Menekülés az Úrhoz. Full line: "Be szép a régi kép, a tiszta") |
Picture fragment |
I6 |
104 (NHF) |
Írd be a magánhangzókat a szóközök nélkül! (Enter the vowels without spaces!) KGYS HLGY KRSZTST GYSZR SZLT RG |
eeöiueeüé (Ady: Az izgága Jézusok) |
Picture fragment |
I7 |
3** (K**) |
Mi az eredeti szöveg? A megfejtés 5 szóból áll (What is the original text? The solution consists of 5 words) ABDDEEEGJLMMOOÓŐSSSTU |
sem utódja sem boldog őse |
Picture fragment |
I8 |
311 (KNN) |
Írd be a mássalhangzókat a szóközök nélkül! (Enter the consonants without spaces!) I II IEŐ EÉÜ |
mmndgmndnrllksnk (Full line: "Mi mindig mindenről elkésünk", Ady: AKIK MINDIG ELKÉSNEK |
Picture fragment |
First City / Second Half
Door |
Code |
Riddle |
Solution |
Reward |
F1 |
016 (HNÍ) |
"Írd be a hiányzó szót!" (Enter the missing word!) GÓG ÉS ... FIA VAGYOK ÉN |
MAGÓG (Ady: Góg és Magóg fia vagyok én... |
Picture fragment |
F2 |
046 (HFÍ) |
"Írd be a következő szót!" (Enter the following word!) MINAK A TANÁCS JÓSLAT |
AGGODALMAK (By Ady: Hunn, új legenda) |
Picture fragment |
F3 |
431 (FKÍ) |
"Írd be a mássalhangzókat szóközök nélkül:" (Enter the consonants without spaces:) A EEE O AAI A A |
tngrbmsthnytlknp ("A tengerbe most hanyatlik a nap", Ady: Áldásadás a vonaton) |
No reward - picture fragment - is given! Maybe something this unlocks something hidden?
New theory: From L2: "The solution of the picture puzzle is the second line of a poem, whose first line appears elsewhere in the game." "A tengerbe most hanyatlik a nap" = "The sun falls into the sea" - This seems to match the picture, and it's the first line. The second line of that poem is: "Most fut leggyorsabban a vonatunk" (Our train is running the fastest now) Perhaps this line means something... |
F4 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
F5 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
F6 |
*46 (*FÍ) |
"Különböző számokkal egészítsd ki az ábrát bűvös négyzetté!" (Using different numbers, complete the magic square) |
492, 357, 816 |
Picture fragment |
F7 |
166 (NÍÍ) |
"Írd be a hiányzó szót!" (Enter the missing word!) ... NAGYSZEMŰ LEGÉNY VOLT |
KÚNFAJTA (Ady: A Hortobágy poétája) |
Picture fragment |
F8 |
--- cannot be opened(?) |
K1 |
123 (NWK) |
"A megoldást nem kérjük" (Solution is not required) JL FGYLD MG TTKSTTT MNDTKT! |
Jól figyeld meg a titkosított mondatokat! (Pay attention to the encrypted sentences!) |
No reward (other than the clue itself) |
K2 |
123 (NWK) |
One of the above 3 map is shown in random, but only one character is visible at a time. Use the cursor to see each character. The map is referred to in L1. |
No solution is required. |
No reward |
K3 |
123 (NWK) |
"Helyezz el 8 vezért a sakktáblán úgy, hogy egymást ne üthessék le!" (Place 8 queens on the chessboard so that they cannot hit each other!) |
One possible solution:
==..==[]==..==.. ..==..==..==[]== ==..[]..==..==.. ..==..==..==..[] ==[]==..==..==.. ..==..==[]==..== []..==..==..==.. ..==..==..[]..== Note: when all 8 queens are correctly placed, the game will automatically continue. |
"Sok sikert a következő város feladataihoz!" (Good luck with the next city's tasks!) Correctly solving this opens the second city! |
K4 |
123 (NWK) |
"Lóugrásban egy értelmes szó olvasható ki" (Using L jumps, a valid word can be read)
deltamoduláció (The "R" and the "K" are not used) |
Picture fragment |
L1 |
*** Any 3 chars |
Melyik ország körvonalát láttad a szomszédban? (Which country's outline did you see at the neighbor?) |
Based on which picture was shown in K2: MAGYARORSZÁG OLASZORSZÁG AUSZTRÁLIA |
Picture fragment |
L2: 461 (FÍN): "Egy szövegszerkesztőben összekeveredtek a betûk. Állítsd helyre az eredeti szöveget!" (The letters got scrambled in a word processor. Restore the original text!) é aöiqptexöúü rplupteöwp plü bőüéú xpqw rówbsca wbqé rpőüúpa pőptp rówábő pőzubqsuő é tóeöaóéú
Make the following substitutions, in this order: t-->j e-->t x-->v á-->h s-->d w-->s a-->k é-->a p-->e i-->p c-->i ü-->y l-->g r-->m q-->r u-->f ö-->é ú-->n b-->o ő-->l z-->ő ó-->á
Which gives the following clue: "a képrejtvény megfejtése egy olyan vers második sora melynek eleje máshol előfordfl a játékáan" (should be "előfordul a játékban", but it's buggy) (The solution of the picture puzzle is the second line of a poem, whose first line appears elsewhere in the game) (Not evaluated!) |
M1: FFK: "Olvasd el a felvillanó szöveget!" (Read the appearing text!) "Ne menj be mindenhová" (Don't enter everywhere) (Shown for less than a second) |
M2: --- cannot be opened(?) |
N1: H**: Írd be a magánhangzókat a szóközök nélkül! DLTMR TKMG JNKK LSNK őöeöaaóee (Ady Endra: A muszáj Herkules "Dőltömre Tökmag Jankók lesnek") |
N2: *KH: "Csámpás konok netán ez a" világ (Ady Endre: A TŰZ MÁRCIUSA) |
N3: **T (Note B1, E2, I1 - also, this door has an unknown number of max number of tries): BLND HNGSZR SR nyerít (Ady Endre: A fekete zongora (Bolond hangszer sír) |
N4: ??? |
O1 |
4*1 (F*N) |
"Mi az eredeti szöveg?" (What is the original text) ÓH NAGYON CSÚNYÁN ÉLTEM |
ÓH NAGYON CSÚNYÁN ÉLTEM (Ady: Az utolsó mosoly) |
Picture fragment |
O2: W*N: "Mi az eredeti szöveg?" (What is the original text) MILYEN CSONKA MA A HOLD MILYEN CSONKA MA A HOLD |
O3 |
--- cannot be opened? |
O4: *WN: őő iáao a áá rzkvgyzztkstrzsn (Ady Endre: Intés az őrzőkhöz. First line is: "Őrzők, vigyázzatok a strázsán") |
O5: WWN: Mi az eredeti szöveg: KOLLáGEM EVGEHIP EVTEZü megállok pihegve üzetve (Ady Endre: "Ugrani már: soha") |
O6 |
--- cannot be opened? |
P1 |
321 (KWN) |
Írd be a következő szót: " Föl-földobott kő" |
földedre (Ady: A föl-földobott kő) |
Picture fragment |
P2 |
??? |
P3 |
222 (WWW) |
Mi az eredeti szöveg? ROKIMALAV NERÉTADBAL |
valamikor labdatéren (Ady Endre: "Dalok a labdatérről") |
Picture fragment |
P4 |
??? |
This is the second city. Houses are lettered from A-P the same way as in the first city. First half (initially open): B, C, H, M, N, O. Once you open the second half (initially closed): A, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, L, P - you cannot go back.
(The "default" letters for the combinations are: 0=o, 1=y, 2=a, 3=û, 4=c, 5=á, 6=i)
Second City / First Half
Door |
Code |
Riddle |
Solution |
Reward |
B1 |
2** (A**): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) TRK FRNC |
Török Ferenc |
B2 |
*00 (*OO) |
"Egy női nevet írj be!" (Enter a female name!) (Random riddle) |
B3 |
--- cannot be opened |
B4 |
*12 (*YA) |
"A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) |
Kozma István |
B5 |
--- cannot be opened |
B6 |
212 (AYA) |
"A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) ŐZŐYG RÁSCLUK |
Kulcsár Győző |
B7 |
*1* (*Y*) |
A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve (The solution is an athlete's full name) SZVS STVN |
Szívós István |
B8 |
--- cannot be opened |
C1: --- cannot be opened C2: --- cannot be opened C3: *** (Any 3 letters): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) Elek Ilona C4: *6* (*I*): (Seen at C4) A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve (The solution is an athlete's full name) Baczakó Péter (NO REWARD?) C5: --- cannot be opened C6: *** (Any 3 letters): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) Balczó András SOLVING THIS OPENS THE SECOND HALF OF THE CITY!
H1: 345 (ûcá): "Jól figyeld meg a képet!" (Watch this picture carefully!) (Shows a random window)
H2: 453 (cáû): "Milyen stílusú ablakot láttál a szomszédban?" (What style window did you see in the neighbouring room?) See H1, the answers, in order: reneszánsz román rokokó mór biedermeyer H3: *3* (*û*): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) németh angéla (NO REWARD?) H4: ??5 / ??á: (Weird! The last letter is accepted as "á", and "á" only, but nothing is accepted for the first 2 letters - even tried numbers)
M1 = 652 (iáa): Random riddle: "Egy kis mitológia" (A little mythology) a szerencse istennője fortuna elhozta a tûzet az embereknek prométeusz a szivárvány istennője irisz az égboltot tartja aþ vállán atlasz a repülés első áldozata ikarosz M2 = 526 (áai): "Ki volt az anyák megmentője?" (Who was the savior of mothers?) Semmelweis Ignác M3 = 562 (áia): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) bene ferenc M4 = 625 (iaá): "Mi a hetedik?" "Grammatika Asztronómia Retorika Dialektika Aritmetika Geometria" (What is the 7th?) ZENE (No reward!) M5 = 256 (aái): "Ki találta fel a ...?" (Who invented ...?) telefont --> BELL M6 = 225 (aaá): "Lépegess egy lóval úgy, hogy minden poziciót egyszer foglaljon el!" (Walk the horse across the chessboard so that it only steps on every position only once!)
N1 = 620 (iao): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) Gyarmati Dezső N2 = 324 (ûac): "Ki a párja?" (Who is the parner?) Trisztán --> Izolda Rómeó --> Júlia Abelard --> Heloise Philemon --> Baucis Troillus --> Cressida N3 = --- cannot be opened N4 = --- cannot be opened
O1 = *54 (*ác): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) Gerevich Aladár O2 = --- cannot be opened O3 = 32* (ûa*): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) EEû AA Hegedûs Csaba O4 = --- cannot be opened
Second City / Second Half A1 = --- cannot be opened A2 = 3*1 (û*y): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) Németh Miklós (No reward?) A3 = 220 (aao): "A nyolcadik szám még nagyon fontos lesz" (The 8th number will be very important) 14 15 11 17 49 18 19 .. A4 = --- cannot be opened A5 = --- cannot be opened A6 = --- cannot be opened A7 = --- cannot be opened A8 = --- cannot be opened
D1: 555 (ááá): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) WICHMANN TAMÁS (No reward?) D2: --- cannot be opened D3: --- cannot be opened D4: --- cannot be opened
E1: 555 (ááá): "Helyezd el a keresztrejtvénybe a szavakat!" (Place the words into the crossword!)
R#ABP#SA LAPUSTLT ITDJ#AKE DESNZS#R LLL#ÓZON #ECELTES PTASOUIK ATETNRK# E2: *** any 3 letters: "Milyen fizikai eszkösz fûződik a nevéhez?" (What object is related to his name?) Eötvös --> inga Galilei --> távcső Wilson --> kamra Segner --> kerék Venturi --> cső
F1: --- cannot be opened F2: 321 (ûay): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) Rejtő Ildikó F3: 565 (áiá): "Melyik város jut eszedbe?" (Which city are you reminded of?) LOUVRE --> párizs ERMITÁZS --> leningrád PRADO --> madrid HRADZSIN --> prága HAGIA-SOFIA --> isztambul
G1: --- cannot be opened G2: 620 (iao): "Olvasd el a képírást!" (Read the hieroglyphs!) Always the same, each symbol corresponds to a letter.
When decoded, it means: a titkosirás kulcsszava egy a versidézetekhez kapcsolódó szinész neve (The key to the cypher is the name of an actor, related to the poems) (Not evaluated)
I1: 456 (cái): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) TATAI TIBOR I2: 456 (cái): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) ÖI IE FÖLDI IMRE (No reward?) I3: --- cannot be opened I4: 444 (ccc): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) GD GYRGY Gedó György (No reward?)
J1: --- cannot be opened J2: --- cannot be opened J3: ***: Mi az eredeti szöveg? (What is the original text?) Nem mondhatom el senkinek J4: --- cannot be opened J5: 222 (aaa): "A megfejtés egy sportoló teljes neve" (The solution is an athlete's full name) Áknov Deősz Novák Dezső (NO REWARD) J6: --- cannot be opened J7: 3** (û**): "Kit láttál a szomszéd házban?" (Who did you see in the neighbouring house?) (Referring to P2) Shakespeare Lenin Lennon Rákóczi Bergendy J8: --- cannot be opened
K1: 555 (ááá): "Mi készül..." (What is made of...) (Random riddle) rézből és ónból? Bronz kaolinból és földpátból? Porcelán rézből és cinkből? Sárgaréz (NO REWARD?) K2: 666 (iii): "Mi a következő szám?" (What is the next number?) (Random riddle) 43 50 55 65 --> 76 (add sum of digits, so 6+5=11, 65+11=76) 13 24 36 49 --> 63 (add 11, 12, 13, 14) 1 10 25 46 --> 73 (3*n^2+2, so 3*25-2) 1 3 12 45 --> 171 (3*(sum of two previous numbers), so 3*(12+45) = 3*57 = 171) 17 26 35 44 --> 53 (add 9 each time)
L1: --- cannot be opened L2: 021 (oay): "Olvasd el a képírást!" (Read the hieroglyphs!) Always the same, each symbol corresponds to a letter:
When decoded, it means: a beküldendő szám hat számjegyből áll egy szó értéke egyenlő betûi értékeinek összegével (The number to be submitted is a 6-digit number, a words value is equal to the sum of the values of its letters) (Not evaluated)
P1: --- cannot be opened? P2: 4** (c**): Jól figyeld meg a képet! (Watch this picture carefully!) (A randomly chosen portrait from the five portraits below is shown)
J7 asks which person it is. They are, in order: Shakespeare, Lenin, Lennon, Rákóczi, Bergendy.
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