NEW-ROM is a new software and I send you on a disc!!! This software works only on Plus/4 (not on C16) and only with 1541 or compatible disk drive (not on 1551)!
The NEW-ROM is a new operating system on Plus/4! If you want to use this, then change your internail ROM ICs (on motherboard, U23 U24 U25) to a three 27128 or 27128A 16Kbytes EPROM IC. Of course, you need burning three files from the disk to the EPROM ICs! Write me if you haven't an Eprom burner and you want to use NEW-ROM). The three IC 1200 Forint (Hungarian).
:: The new BASIC functions
OLD - recall the BASIC programs after NEW or RESET TURBO - turbo loader and saver in one, press F1 to activate or kill it HUNT - find the BASIC strings syntax: HUNT , text example: hunt , print (write all line numbers where "print" is found) FCOPY - file copier, read disk directory, where you can select the files for copy with turbo (max. 239 blocks) CRUNCH - byte cruncher for BASIC or Assembly programs syntax: CRUNCH "filename" (BASIC) CRUNCH "filename,startaddress, endaddress,jumpaddress FFORMAT - fast disk formatter, (diskname max. 16 chars, ID max. 5 chars) syntax: FFORMAT "diskname","id" CHANGE - drive number changer syntax: CHANGE sourcedrivenumber TO targetdrivenumber example: change 8 to 9 BACKUP - single drive copier syntax: BACKUP BACKUP - double drive copier syntax: BACKUP sourcedrivenumber TO targetdrivenumber example: backup 8 to 9 BLOAD - like DLOAD but you can select the start load address syntax: BLOAD "filename",startloadaddress example: bload "filename",16384 SCRATCH - now it no longer stops the input while is working
:: New Monitor functions
$ - directory from disk @ - drive status (DS$) @doscommand - send dos command (@I) * - select RAM or ROM ($07F8) I - ASCII dump " - ASCII write B - binary dump ] - binary write K - screen code dump Q - compress file (see BASIC "CRUNCH") syntax: Q "filename", startaddress, endaddress, jumpaddress $number - change hex number to dec and bin #number - change dec number to hex and bin %number - change bin number to dec and hex / - like L (load), but you can BLOAD a program syntax: / "filename" (load file from disk) / "filename",address (load filr from disk starting to "address")
Full illegal Assembly codes in "A" and "D" commands!
:: Other features
The default colors are gray and black, the cursor speed is double Function keys are:
BASIC / Monitor
F1: Turbo D F2: Dload / F3: Directory $ F4: Monitor X F5: Dsave I F6: Run B F7: List M F8: Help ?
ESC functions:
ESC+R color is black, cursor is white, and screen is cleared ESC+U video reset ESC+E cursor goes to 18 column (Assembly code) ESC+F start function ROM /JMP ($8003, usually Dir-God utility) ESC+G JSR $0333 ESC+S symbol shift on/off example: shift+A=AUTO shift+F=FOR
In BASIC and MOnitor you can scroll the screen with CTRL+arrow. Press CTRL+C= and press reset to enter Dir-masterutility. Directory and $ use a ":" char for a better usage, hence press F2 to load files easily.
:: Boot disk
When you turn on your Plus/4, then the left corner flashing a disk waiting for disk inserting. If no drive is ready, then the BASIC will start If the disk is not a boot disk, then the BASIC will start If the disk is a boot disk, a program is automatically loaded and started.
When you turn on the Plus/4, the system checks $FFF5, and if it isn't #$94, then clear full memory and starting the booting sequence; if $FFF5 is #$94, the memory is not cleared and no boot disk is started. Use "boot disk maker" program.
Track 18; Sector 00
$FF12 ─────────────────────┐ $FF07 ──────────────────┐ │ $ff06 ───────────────┐ │ │ $FF15/$FF19 ──────┐ │ │ │ turbo on/off ──┐ │ │ │ │ off=0 / on=1 ──┤ │ │ │ │ boot disk┐ │ │ │ │ │ identify │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌──┴───┐ ├┐ ├┐ ├┐ ├┐ ├┐ >B0 43 42 4d 01 00 1b 08 C4 :CBM..... >B8 D0 00 00 00 00 00 .. .. :........ ├┘ ├┘ ├───┘ ├───┘ │ │ │ │ $FF13 ┘ │ │ │ $FF16 ───┤ │ │ $FF17 ───┤ │ │ $FF18 ───┘ │ │ filename ───┤ │ example:"a*"┘ │ startaddress ─────┘ low/high
:: Don't try to use this!
With NEW_ROM, it won't work:
- tape
- 3-PLUS-1
┌────────────────────┐ written by: Tiger/UF ├--------------------┤ typed by : Luca/FIRE └────────────────────┘