| Music Service | Download:
Incorrectly named (rename to ZIP):
User Rating: 6.0/10 (3 votes)
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| Instructions | F1 | restart music | F2 | play music at slow speed | F3 | play music at normal speed | HELP | play music at fast speed | + | increase irq speed | - | decrease irq speed | = | reset irq speed | CONTROL+1 | turn channel 1 off | CONTROL+2 | turn channel 1 off | CONTROL+3 | turn channel 3 off | CONTROL+ESCAPE | turn all channels off | 1 | turn channel 1 on | 2 | turn channel 2 on | 3 | turn channel 3 on | ESCAPE | turn all channels on | SHIFT(/LOCK) | screen off (better sound) | SPACE | play music / pause music | RETURN | back to menu |
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