Description | ********************************** * Monday - a B10L Demo for C=264 * **********************************
by FeCO, 2024
Basic10Liner Contest, Schau Category
Commodore 16/116/232/Plus4
You just wake up on Monday, an usual, simple Monday... But do you really wake up?
5+1 part demo - just press any key between parts and enjoy if you can :)
Program lines:
I have to use constants (usually at the beginning or on the end of lines) to reduce the size.
0 - Set the graphic mode, colors, show the diary page and again after the clock alarm, then empty battery sign part (if O=1)
1 - 7 Set hi-res graphic mode and draw NO WIFI picture (1 - background, 2 - the low resolution dino (D$), 3 - high res dino (E$, F$), 4 - Cactuses and the rest objects, 5-6 - NO WIFI white part, 6-7 - NO WIFI inner lines,)
3.2 - The end of the demo (if O=1..)
7-9 - Check Engne light
9.2 - PIN error, then GOTO0 (and O=1)