MDisk V1.1
Title:MDisk V1.1
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic + Machine code
Additional code by:seff
Notes:Written by Milan Jurkovič
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mdisk v1.1
(c) 1989 Ing. Milan Jurkovič
Type help for help

(c) 2021 translated from Slovak by Jan Sefcik
help mdisk v1.1
command syntax:
< / > it is necessary to type one of the parameters separated by /
[ ] parameter is optional
name name 1 to 16 characters except characters ",$,@,*,?
name*? similar to name but it is possible to use characters *,?
n number 0 to 4
load specified basic program from mdisk to computer memory (basic program memory)
save basic program from computer memory to mdisk under the name of “name”
verify specified mdisk basic program with the program in the computer memory (basic program memory)
directory of files on mdisk without file specification
scratch specified files on mdisk
option to erase specified files on mdisk, without specification of all files
copy specified file under the name of name*? from mdisk to new name on mdisk
rename specified file under the name of name*? to new name on mdisk
print status of computer memory (basic program memory), mdisk allocation, key definitions and save mode
return to basic v3.5 and keep mdisk and basic program in the computer memory (basic program memory)
cancel/erase mdisk
0 - key to initial c16 state
erase basic program from the computer memory (basic program memory) and cancel turbo i/o
1 - key without change
erase basic program from the computer memory and cancel turbo i/o
2 - key without change
erase basic program from the computer memory and keep turbo i/o
3 - key without change
keep basic program in the computer memory and cancel turbo i/o
4 - key without change
keep basic program in the computer memory and keep turbo i/o
print format and description of mdisk commands
print system time in the format of hh:mm:ss
key definitions and the option to switch between mdisk key and basic v3.5 key definitions
0 – key without change when switching between mdisk and basic v3.5
1 - key mdisk in mdisk mode
key disk in basic v3.5 mode
2 - key mdisk in mdisk mode
key normal tape in basic v3.5 mode
3 - key mdisk in mdisk mode
key turbo tape basic v3.5 mode
4 - key mdisk in mdisk mode
key turbo i/o in basic v3.5 mode
print key definitions in mdisk
print basic program from the computer memory (basic program memory) or mdisk defined by mdisk specification

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