============================================================== ** JoyDivision ** v0.4 - 30/07/2021 By Giuseppe Mignogna Draws the album cover Unknown Pleasures ==============================================================
===================================== DESCRIPTION ===================================== This program try to reproduce, on the Commodore 16, the iconic album cover "Unknown Pleasures", from Joy Division. Different results can be obtained by modifying the parameters at the top of the source. Be aware: this program needs lot of time to do the calculations and to draw the cover! Some values make it slower, some others make it faster.
Some concepts used in the code: - each row is a signal; - a signal has a length; - each signal is made up by one or more waves; - each wave has a peak; - a peak has a center (in the signal), a width and a height; - a noise can be added to the signal, just for fun.
===================================== EXTRAS ===================================== I wrote an animated version of this program in Processing. You can find it here:
...or, if you speak Italian, in the Facebook group: "Processing e p5.js Italia"
===================================== INFO AND CONTACTS ===================================== You can contact me (Giuseppe Mignogna) at: raze[-AT-]libero[-DOT-]it
This S/W has been developed using: - CBM prg Studio v3.13.0.