Helmut (Courbois)
Title:Helmut (Courbois)
Original version:Helmut
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Distribution:As compilation
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Released by:Courbois Software
Notes:A translated (and slightly improved, see below) version of the original. Excluded from voting.
Helmut (Courbois) Title Screenshot

Helmut (Courbois) Screenshot

Appeared On Compilations
Cassette C1606

This version is nearly identical to Helmut, but we can discern that this is a modified copy via these two clues:

1) The REM lines have been replaced, but the line numbering follows the original. Since the lines are numbered by 10, there would be no reason to skip from 50 to 90 (other than deleting those lines).

2) There's a slight improvement in lines 370-400: instead of querying the joystick 4 times, the code queries it once, then checks this value 4 times (which is slightly faster). The new line has been inserted as 365, which breaks the number-by-10 rule.

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