Description | Hit the bubbles with your mouse!
Once the game has started, use the mouse on the whole game area. Try to hit the mouse, represented by a bubble character, by clicking on it with the mouse key. The game needs 5 hits to be solved. Once the mouse has been hit 5 times, the game is over. The player must aim to the lower time spent to achieve the 5 hits.
#---Variables meaning ------------------------------------
xa X actual, the bubble actual x position ya Y actual, the bubble actual y position st$ start time po number of point pr previous button state (need to handle the click action) t$ the program saved time ti$ default system time x mouse x y mouse y b mouse button state
#---code with comment ------------------------------------
# disply the intro 10 scnclr 20 char,13,2,"mouse hammer" 30 char,2,4,"hit the bubbles with mouse" 40 char,2,5,"need 5 point!" 50 char,13,7,"press any key" 60 char,12,8," or mouse button" 70 char,19,9," to begin!"
# simple detect the keyboard, and mouse buttons for input 80 geta$ 90 if(peek(1072)=0andlen(a$)=0)then80
# start the play 100 scnclr:gosub 420
# initialize the variables 110 xa=0:ya=0:st$=ti$:po=0:pr=0:t$=ti$
# start of game cycle 120 pr=b
# if it is a new second, handle the bubblemoving 130 if t$<>ti$ then goto230
# read the mouse coordinates, and buttons 140 x=peek(1070):y=peek(1071) 150 b=peek(1072)
# if the bubble coordinate and the mouse cordinate same, and previous mouse state is 0 and this bouse is left click 160 ifx=xa and y=ya and b=128 and pr=0 then280 170 goto 120
# screen handling (clear prev bubble, random a new, and display it in the new position) 180 poke 3072+ya*40+xa,32 190 ya=int(rnd(1)*10):xa=int(rnd(1)*10) 200 poke 3072+ya*40+xa,81 210 return
# ha-ha.. this doesn't need, I just left it. 220 goto 120
# handle the passage of time 230 gosub 180 240 t$=ti$
# display the sec, and the actual point at the bottom 250 char,1,24,str$(val(ti$)-val(st$)) 260 char,10,24,str$(po) 270 goto 120
# success click, handle the point increse, and check the point max 280 poke 3072+ya*40+xa,32 290 po=po+1 300 ifpo<>5then120
# waitng a little 310 fori=0to500:nexti
# display the result 320 print"{clear}{down}result":print"points:";po 330 print"time:";val(ti$)-val(st$);"sec" 340 print"{down}again? y/n or left/right"
# witing key, and click to handle the next game 350 geta$:b=peek(1072) 360 if(b=0andlen(a$)=0)then350
# handling the user result 370 ifa$="y"then10 380 ifa$="n"thenend 390 ifb=128then10 400 ifb=32thenend 410 goto 320
# display the border of gameplay territory 420 fori=0to9:char,10,i,"x":nexti 430 char,0,10,"xxxxxxxxxxx" 440 return
#--- code ------------------------------------
10 scnclr 20 char,13,2,"mouse hammer" 30 char,2,4,"hit the bubbles with mouse" 40 char,2,5,"need 5 point!" 50 char,13,7,"press any key" 60 char,12,8," or mouse button" 70 char,19,9," to begin!" 80 geta$ 90 if(peek(1072)=0andlen(a$)=0)then80 100 scnclr:gosub 420 110 xa=0:ya=0:st$=ti$:po=0:pr=0:t$=ti$ 120 pr=b 130 if t$<>ti$ then goto230 140 x=peek(1070):y=peek(1071) 150 b=peek(1072) 160 ifx=xaandy=yaandb=128andpr=0then280 170 goto 120 180 poke 3072+ya*40+xa,32 190 ya=int(rnd(1)*10):xa=int(rnd(1)*10) 200 poke 3072+ya*40+xa,81 210 return 230 gosub 180 240 t$=ti$ 250 char,1,24,str$(val(ti$)-val(st$)) 260 char,10,24,str$(po) 270 goto 120 280 poke 3072+ya*40+xa,32 290 po=po+1 300 ifpo<>5then120 310 fori=0to500:nexti 320 print"{clear}{down}result":print"points:";po 330 print"time:";val(ti$)-val(st$);"sec" 340 print"{down}again? y/n or left/right" 350 geta$:b=peek(1072) 360 if(b=0andlen(a$)=0)then350 370 ifa$="y"then10 380 ifa$="n"thenend 390 ifb=128then10 400 ifb=32thenend 410 goto 320 420 fori=0to9:char,10,i,"x":nexti 430 char,0,10,"xxxxxxxxxxx" 440 return