| Escape From Psylon | Title: | Escape From Psylon | Category: | Game/ArcadeAdventure | Release Date: | 1989 | Language: | English/Hungarian | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL Only | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Commercial/PD | Game ending type: | Has an end, game ends | |  | Distributed by: | Novotrade Magyarország | Code by: | Mr. Depeche | Graphics by: | The Prince | Cracked by: | NIKS | Notes: | The only known release by "Aliens Software Studio" (A.S.S.). Released by Novotrade under "Novo Soft" label. |
Broken text:
NIKS crack:
User Rating: 7.2/10 (4 votes)
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Novotrade Magyarország | 1989 | Commercial | | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 1 |
1 found. |
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| Covers | |
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| Maps | Download: psylon_map.gif Created by Csabo Description: Game Map Dimensions: 2560x2392 File size: 330 KB. Created on 2011-05-23. |
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| Instructions | Guide your tank to collect 45 puzzle pieces on 3 levels and assemble them into a picture to escape. Avoid 3 types of energy draining enemies, don't hit damaging blocks too. After having collected 15 and 30 pieces respectively, you must turn back and reach an active lifter which teleports your tank to a new zone of the maze. Once all the pieces have been collected, you have to assemble them into a picture. You can have a peek of that picture by pressing the space key, but it can be done till you run out of energy.
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| Final |  Load this .FRE file as snapshot in YAPE emulator.
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| User Made Maps | The introduction of the Plus/4 Corner in Commodore Világ 11:
"(Bárdos Gábor, Arlóról folytatja az előbbi számban megkezdett PLUS4-saga-ját. Ha még egy 28 oldalas levelet ír vagy esetleg egy idétlen percünkben megpróbáljuk leközölni azt a PSYLON-térképet, amit küldött (The Big Puzzle névre keresztelte), akkor valószínűleg ebből lesz a NEVERENDING STORY... - CoVboy)"
"(Gábor Bárdos (from Arló) resumes his Plus/4 saga from our previous issue. If he writes us another 28 page letter, or if in a momentary lapse of reason we decide to publish his PSYLON map (which he named The Big Puzzle), that will be the NEVERENDING STORY... - CoVboy)"
The map was never published in CoV. However, in the mail section of issue 13, another Plus/4 fan wrote this:
"Mikor lesz már Psylon-térkép? Megszereztem és nem akarom lerajzolni, ha már beküldték. (Beküldeni beküldték, de nemhogy az újságba nem fér bele, de a szobába sem tudok bejönni ezzel a lepedôvel... - CoVboy) ... (Szabó Sándor, Mezőberény)"
"When will we have a Psylon map? I've got it but I don't want to draw it if it's been sent in. (It has been sent in, but not only it won't fit into the magazine, but I can't even walk into the room with this bed sheet... - CoVboy) ... (Sándor Szabó, Mezőberény)"
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| Cheats - How do I use cheats? | Press P,L,A,T,O and Esc on the title screen.
| Built-in cheat: Unlimited energy |
>2B9D 0 >2BB5 0 >2BCD 0 >2BE5 0
| Go through walls (enter in emulator monitor) |
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