Digi Drums II
Title:Digi Drums II
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Code by:Pigmy
Notes:A BASIC extension that plays digi drums. For usage instructions, see below.
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Digi Drums II Screenshot

If you only received the main part of this utility, figuring out the usage is very difficult. However, there's a demo program that comes with it, which demonstrates the usage.

The extended basic commands begin with "$" (dollar sign).

Command Function
$TI## Set speed (time delay), lower is faster
$B1 Base drum
$B2 Base drum (lower)
$H1 Hihat open
$H2 Hihat closed
$S1 Snare
$S2 Snare (shorter)
$K1 Cowbell
$K2 Rimshot
$T1 Tom 1 (high)
$T2 Tom 2
$T3 Tom 3
$T4 Tom 4 (low)

There's a keyjazz part which can be started with SYS4263. In this mode, pressing keys plays digi drums.
Run/Stop exits back to BASIC.

Key Sound
Q/2 Base drum
W/3 Base drum (lower)
E/4 Hihat open
R/5 Hihat closed
T/6 Snare
Y/7 Snare (shorter)
U/8 Cowbell
I/9 Rimshot
S/Z Tom 1 (high)
D/X Tom 2
F/C Tom 3
G/V Tom 4 (low)

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