Death Or Glory
Title:Death Or Glory
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:No end (no highscore)
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Released by:CRL Group PLC (CRL)
Notes:Very rare, never announced, C16 version. Possibly developed by Wise Owl Software, as confirmed for some of the other machines' versions.
  External links:
    ZX Spectrum release
    Amstrad CPC release
    C64 release

User Rating: 5.8/10 (6 votes)
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Death Or Glory Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseCRL Group PLC1987CommercialCassetteDouble caseExtremely rare2
Alternative releaseCRL Group PLC1988CommercialCassetteDouble caseExtremely rare0
2 found.

Appeared On Compilations
Club Info 75

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover (Alternative)
Cassette Cover (Alternative)

Physical Media
Cassette (Alternative)
Submitted by Ulysses777
Cassette (Alternative)

The objective is to destroy as much space fleet you need to pass to the next level. To perform this, you must fly at a certain speed over the blocks you wanna blow up and then bomb'em. Different blocks can prime different chain reactions, hence try to find the best strategy in order to optimize you job. Enemy ships will attack you, weaking your two shields shot by shot, but you can use your dozer's fore in order to ram'em. Beware your fuel, you can fully recharge it by stopping your dozer for a short time, but only when the fuel's bar reaches the red section.

Joystick in Port 2
UP Accelerate
DOWN Decelerate
LEFT Rotate counterclockwise
RIGHT Rotate clockwise
FIRE Bomb blocks / Ram enemies

Under The Blocks
In the game, there's a zeroed zeropage location ($44) which can be used to play the game with the dozer's sprite running under the blocks. This feature can be activated by entering any non-zero value in $44, and it doesn't seem to be depending by particular game's features, or by a built in cheat. The most probable reason that can be presumed is that it has been used by the coder himself.
This pictures confirms that the effect affects the player's sprite only, leaving the enemy ships over the background elements.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>3770 A5
Unlimited fuel
Unlimited shields
>2755 24
Unlimited lives

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