Caccia Al Tesoro (Treasure Hunt)
Title:Caccia Al Tesoro (Treasure Hunt)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
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Published by:J.Soft
Converted by:Sarcina, Franco
Notes:Original by (private). Typed in by saver71.
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Caccia Al Tesoro Title Screenshot

Caccia Al Tesoro Screenshot

Published: Papersoft 38/1985 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 10

The aim of this game is to recover a treasure left by pirates on a remote island, avoiding a series of obstacles. The treasure is made up of coins and gold bars and a chest full of jewels. Obstacles are rum barrels, quicksand and ghosts of ancient pirates (which appear in the form of skulls); in short, everything that can endanger the life of a treasure hunter. Once, you have managed to collect most of the coins and gold bars (you can leave a coin and/or an ingot on the ground) by guiding the hunter with joystick #1, you will access a new screen.

It is not necessary to retrieve the chest, but if you do it you will earn a lot more points; also remember to hold down the joystick button as you try to cross the quicksand that surrounds the chest. During the game you can see the screen number and the score.

There are five difficulty levels: the one you select determines the number of fixed and moving obstacles, as well as influencing the score earned for each treasure you recover.

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