Bubble Works
Title:Bubble Works
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:(n/a)
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Code by:TCFS
Notes:AKA Bubbleworks, Bubbleworx (no intro). The title pic is from DNA Warrior, music is from Luminous. The game crashes after level 11.
User Rating: 7.2/10 (13 votes)
Bubble Works Title Screenshot

Bubble Works Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has a broken ending.

Appeared On Compilations
Plus/4 Power 15

What To Do
You are moving on a big, scrolling maze. Your goal is to move the bubbles can be found in the maze into specific patterns. This pattern can be seen in the bottom of the screen.

The Bubbles
There are three type of bubbles.

* The 'fixed' bubble cannot be moved. This bubble is a stable, non-animating sprite in the maze
* The 'movable' bubble can be pushed around in the maze. One push will move the bubble by one step. This bubble is pulsating.
* The 'kickable' bubble can be kicked once and moving as far as possible. There are 2 smaller sparkles are flying around this bubble.

You cannot pull the bubbles!!!

The Pattern
You have to build the pattern from available bubbles as you can see on the bottom of the screen.
The flashing symbol in the pattern means the fixed bubble. You have to organize to build the bubble pattern around the fixed element.
The darker and the lighter items on the pattern indicator mean the different bubble types.
When you built the pattern, go to the exit.

The Enemy
There is an enemy object trying to catch you. It moves wall-by-wall and chooses random direction each time. It is not a serious enemy but it can drive you crazy sometimes. Be careful!

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>4E12 2C
Unlimited lives
>15B2 2C
Unlimited time
In the hiscore name entering, press the key A six times, then Inst/Del six times, again A eight times and press Return.
Built-in cheat: Unlimited lives
POKE 11977, 255
255 lives (unpacked)
POKE 12116, 44
Enemy sphere doesn't move (unpacked)
SYS 22688
Restart game

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