Battle Chess
Title:Battle Chess
Release Date:
Device Req.:1541 only (2 sides)
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Converted by:Pigmy
Notes:Original version. A 3D chess game in which the pieces come to life and battle one another when capturing.
  External links:
    C64 release
    Amiga release
    Atari ST release
    Apple Macintosh release

User Rating: 9.2/10 (15 votes)
Battle Chess Title Screenshot

Battle Chess Screenshot

Derived Software
Battle Chess 1551

Additional Notes
The C64 version of this game has a dramatic bug: it crashes when a pawn reaches the 8th line. Pigmy had to repair it, then he tried and the bug was succesfully removed! A 4 block little code has to be loaded when the event happens, but the JMPs and other addresses were bad; it seems the programmers forgot to recompile that little part of code. Pigmy had recompiled it manually by adding a fixed value to the addresses.

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