Description | In this issue we present to you in the form of a list a program that you will certainly find very useful: an electronic diary. In fact, you can memorize important weekly appointments and deadlines, dividing them day by day, view them, save them on disk or cassette so as not to lose the data when you switch off the computer, and then reload them when you want to examine the situation of your commitments. The use of the program is very simple, being always guided by video instructions. Type the listing, check it carefully for any transcription errors, save it, and then give the RUN. To enter an appointment, press "1", then type the first three letters of the day of the week (MON, TUE, WED, etc.), and the position number in the daily list, followed by the time in HHMM format (eg. 0945, 1700) and finally from the actual appointment. To view the appointments, press the "2" key and you will see the day-by-day list; to save them on the mass memory, press "3", then "D" if you use Disk or "N" if you use Tape, and enter the file name, up to 15 characters long. The program prepends the "£" character to the indicated name, to distinguish the appointment files from the others. Same procedure for loading a data file: it will not be necessary to type the "£" character to recall a file. If you use the disk drive you can also view all files created by the program using option 5. The printing of the appointments can be done both for the whole week, by pressing "T", and for a single day, by pressing "S". The remaining space does not allow us to make a description of the listing, which is in any case easy to interpret, also thanks to the spacing introduced between the keywords. However, we point out the extensive use of advanced instructions such as DO-LOOP, typical of structured languages, the multiple-choice instruction ON... GOSUB (line 290), the use of boolean variables (e.g. line 490), the INSTR numeric function (line 1530).
Line 110 changed.
Original line: sp$="{space*33}"
Changed line: sp$="{space*38}"