Search Results |
Software: |
A Or An | 1988 | Game/Educational | Spanish | Labelled as Compuclub 1988 in the Basic ... |
Agenda Telefonica C-16 V1.1 | 1988 | Utility/Database | Spanish | Original by (private) for Commodore Worl... |
Ajedrez | Unknown | Game/Chess | Spanish | AKA Sigma Ajedrez. Could have been an of... |
Androide | Unknown | Game | Spanish | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Anti-aéreo | Unknown | Game/Action | Spanish | Coded by Armando R. M., cracked by Compu... |
Apostador | 1987-10 | Game/Gambling | Spanish | |
Archivo 3.5 | 1986-07 | Utility/Database | Spanish | AKA Archivo V3.5/Cinta. Known bug: selec... |
Asteroids | 2013-03-16 | Game/Shoot'em up | English/German/French/Spanish | AKA Plus/4 Asteroids Emulator. Created b... |
Blackjack (Sigma) | 1985 | Game/Cards | Spanish | AKA Blackjack Estilo-Casino. Possibly an... |
Campo De Fresones | 1987 | Game/Action | Spanish | Cracked by Anonimo.... |
Carreras BMX | Unknown | Game/Action | Spanish | Looks like an official translated versio... |
Caverna | Unknown | Game | Spanish | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
CB | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | Spanish | An extremely simple painting tool with s... |
Chef | Unknown | Utility/Database | German/Italian/French/Spanish | Database for cooking recipes.... |
Chef (German) | Unknown | Utility/Database | German/French/Spanish | Database for cooking recipes. Same as Ch... |
Club-Dame | Unknown | Game/Draughts | German/French/Spanish | AKA Dama. Multilingual enhancement of Da... |
Cohetes | Unknown | Game | Spanish | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Conecta Cuatro | Unknown | Game/Logic | Spanish | AKA Cuatro En Raya. A connect 4 game for... |
Contabilidad | 1985 | Utility/Business | Spanish | Included in the Serie Especial software ... |
Cuadro Magico | 1985 | Game/Logic | Spanish | |
Decaimiento Radioactivo | 1988-04-28 | Utility/Scientific | Spanish | Written for R.A.M. (original by Nikita?)... |
Diagrama De Tres Ejes | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | Spanish | AKA Diagrama De Tres Ejes Con Barras Anc... |
El Panel | 1984 | Game/Logic | Spanish | Possibly an official commercial release ... |
Exorcista | 1984 | Game/Action | Spanish | AKA El Exorcista. WANTED: cover scans, D... |
Exorcista (Drean) | Unknown | Game/Action | Spanish | AKA El Exorcista. Found as unmarked cass... |
FisiCalc | 1986 | Utility/Scientific | Spanish | Solves the uniformly accelerated straigh... |
Flood16 | 2022-05-11 | Game/Action | English/Spanish | Available on VIC20 and C16.... |
Formula Cuadratica | 1987 | Utility/Scientific | Spanish | AKA Formula De La Ecuacion Cuadratica Pa... |
Golf (Mexican) | Unknown | Game/Sport | Spanish | A hacked and translated version of the o... |
Graficador | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | Spanish | |
Gráfico De Barras | Unknown | Utility/Graphic | Spanish | |
Guerra En El Mar | 1986-10 | Game | Spanish | Written by Guillermo Scolaro. WANTED: hi... |
Guerra Estelar | 1985 | Game/Shoot'em up | Spanish/English | Cracked by Merlin. WANTED: cover scan, T... |
Guerra Galactica | 1985-05-01 | Game/Shoot'em up | Spanish | |
Guerra Numerica | 1986-09 | Game/Logic | Spanish | Before running, set VOL in direct mode t... |
Halcón Galáctico | 1986 | Demo/BasicExample | Spanish | A cracktro to be included with a game cr... |
Hangman (Sigma) | Unknown | Game/Hangman | Spanish | Originally known as Hangman III. Convert... |
Hunde Barco | 1987-09 | Game/Action | Spanish | The listing is incomplete, and is missin... |
Identikit | 1986 | Game/Memory | Italian/German/French/Spanish | |
Integrales | Unknown | Educational | Spanish | |
Integrales Numéricas | Unknown | Utility/Scientific | Spanish | |
Introduccion Al C16 | Unknown | Educational | Spanish | Argentinian release for An Introduction ... |
Invasores | 1985 | Game/SpaceInvaders | Spanish/English | Cracked by Merlin. WANTED: cover scan, T... |
Jump Of Lady | Unknown | Game/Board | Spanish | |
Justa | Unknown | Game/Sport | Spanish | Original by (private). See also King Art... |
La Gran Maquina Musical | 1984 | Utility/Music | Spanish | |
Laberinto | Unknown | Game/Maze | Spanish | |
Laberinto del Dragón | Unknown | Game | Spanish | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Mate Pool | Unknown | Game | Spanish | AKA Matepool. WANTED: program file, TAP ... |
Medial Vowels | 1988 | Game/Educational | Spanish | Labelled as Compuclub 1988 in the Basic ... |
Melodysss | 1988 | Utility/Music | Spanish | Maybe part of an official compilation in... |
Memoria (Sigma) | 1984-11 | Game/Memory | Spanish | Created by (private). Titled in the BASI... |
Memoria De Letras | Unknown | Game/Memory | Spanish | |
Mental-Top | 1987-08 | Game/MasterMind | Spanish | |
Misiles | Unknown | Game/Action | Spanish | Possibly an official commercial release ... |
Nave | Unknown | Game/Action | Spanish | |
Ninja (K64) | 1987-11 | Game/Logic | Spanish | |
Nómina | 1985 | Utility/Business | Spanish | Included in the Serie Especial software ... |
Oflain16 | 2020-12-12 | Game/Action | Spanish | Available on VIC20 and C16. The title is... |
Paracaidista | Unknown | Game/Landing | Spanish | Spanish translated version. Excluded fro... |
Pasadizo | Unknown | Game/Maze | Spanish | |
Perdido | Unknown | Game | Spanish | WANTED: program file, TAP file, cover sc... |
Poker (German) | Unknown | Game/Cards | German/French/Spanish | Remake of the original to be released in... |
Prode | 1987-12 | Utility/Lottery | Spanish | Written by (private).... |
Protector De Archivos | 1986-05 | Utility/Disk | Spanish | |
Punchy (Drean) | Unknown | Game/Action | Spanish/English | Found with a generic Commodore cover tit... |
Ratón | Unknown | Game/Action | Spanish | |
Rotación | 1985 | Game/Logic | Spanish | |
Sidelsa | 2021-05-04 | Game/Action | Spanish | Available on VIC20 and C16. Conversion o... |
Sidelsa B | 2024-01-07 | Game/Action | Spanish | AKA Sidelsa rev.B. Extended and debugged... |
Simon (Mexican) | Unknown | Game/Simon | Spanish | Original by (private), signed (converted... |
Stop (Tu Micro Commodore) | 1986-03-04 | Game/Action | Spanish | Press P when both numbers match.... |
Super Directorio | 1986-11 | Utility/Disk | Spanish | Displays or prints a detailed directory ... |
Supermind | Unknown | Game/MasterMind | German/French/Spanish | Publisher identified due to the same lan... |
Tateti | 1986-10 | Game/TicTacToe | Spanish | |
TAV16 | 2020-12-14 | Utility/Music | Spanish | TAV is acronym for "Texto a voz" ("Text ... |
Triangulos | Unknown | Educational | Spanish | |
Trinomios | Unknown | Educational | Spanish | |
Túnel Galáctico | Unknown | Game/Shoot'em up | Spanish | Created by Cesar Joel Garcia G.... |
Usagyuuun Kniffel | 2023-02-23 | Game/Dices | English/German/Spanish | AKA Usagikniffel. A multiplayer dice gam... |
UXB (Sigma) | 1985 | Game/Action | Spanish | Release date unconfirmed, but appears in... |
Veintiuno | Unknown | Game/Cards | Spanish | AKA 21. Created by (private). Imported i... |
Xzap (Sigma) | Unknown | Game/Shoot'em up | Spanish | |
83 found. |