| Back Cover | About the Commodore PLUS/4 User's Manual . . .
The Commodore Plus/4, the "productivity machine," is perfect for finances, accounting or any small business application. As a home computer, the Commodore Plus/4 has 64K of memory, with advanced color, graphic, sound and BASIC programming capabilities. This easy-to-read User’s Manual gives you all the information you need to set up your equipment, use software and learn about computing with your new Commodore Plus/4.
Even if you've never used a computer before, you can follow the step-by-step instructions and explanations to get into computing right away. For those already familiar with computing, the Commodore Plus/4 Encyclopedia contains a volume of useful information about the Commodore Plus/4 including a complete review of every command in the BASIC language built into the computer. This manual also contains explanations of the advanced features of the Commodore Plus 4 and tells you how to get the most out of these expanded capabilities.
You can learn how to use the Commodore Plus/4’s built-in integrated software packages—the spreadsheet graphics, word processing and file manager—by reviewing the Commodore Plus/4 Integrated Software User’s Manual, also included with your new computer.
C= commodore COMPUTERS
Commodore Business Machines, Inc. Computer Systems Division 1200 Wilson Drive, West Cheste,r PA 19380
310196-01 ISBN 0-88731-021-4 PLUS/4-01
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