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From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-15
Subject: Answers 2 ern0!
Hi there,
what are the Sesame Street DudesĀ“ names in Hungary? Do they have the original (American) names?

> :-) My favourite is Count, I think he could enjoy machine coding...
Probably... My favorite is SUPER GROVER (Super Grobi in German) or the COOKIE MONSTER (Kruemmel Monster) 'cause I like cookies aswell!

> My real name is Ernest (Hungarian: Erno") and I am using the "ern0"
> handle bcos the slashed zero was the most nearest standard character
> to [ o" ] char - that's the real story of my name.

I guess, everybody knows the name Erno" (Rubik)... You're plus/4 pseudonym was "VANGUARD", right? Named after the game?

> Whoaaa! Just listen!
> I think it's not a crazy thing to write a converter
> which can convert specially arranged MIDIs to C16
> song! It has lots of advantages:
> - I need not to write an editor,
> - all the songs can be played as General MIDI,
> - non-plus4 dudes can write plus4 songs...
> I need just write a player for C16 and a converter
> to PC which saves all the things in prg format!

Party on! (By the way, APOS' DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION KIT supports MIDI keyboards in the sequencer part.) Did you know, that there are two MOD demos on plus/4? You need 256 KB, though. And their are some limitations which I don't know...
Well, it's probably easier to get a vintage C16 in Hungary than in Germany... A friend of mine still has my extra plus/4 (and my 1581
drive) If I'll ever see him again I could send you that plus/4.

See ya,

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