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From: Rachy (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-15
Subject: Re: Snapshot files for emulators
Ahojka again!

(Whoops: it looks there something happen - Plus/4 mailing list is alive! ;)

> But what if someone later discovers a way to write to the RAM below
> $fd00-$ff3f? The RAM addresses 0 and 1 can be written to, and for that
> reason, you should also store the processor's on-chip I/O register
> contents separately.
I am afraid it is not possible. Ok. I think tagged format would be the proper way to solve this.

> > Timer value is stored. See TIMER1_MAX field. Others are running free.
> Yes, but their current value is not stored, unless I missed something.
Are the timers TED registers? If yes ( :) ), then the actual values should be stored in RAM dump.

> For example the sound emulation state. Just yesterday there was
> discussion of it on this list. If you want that the emulation is exactly
> in the same state after restoring a frozen configuration as it was before
> freezing, you must store all relevant state information.
Hm. My emulator is not able emulate this. Or let's say instead: it is always sychronized. (Because it is.) But, tagged format should give an answer for this too.

> I think so. You can't know at this point what kind of state informations
> are required, and if a cycle-based emulator will ever be written, it must
> store more status information than a line-based one.
Ok, let's do it. But how? Who will determine the tags?

Rajnai Almos

| Rachy of Bi0Hazard | Only Amiga makes it |TankcsapdaMeta| F0NT! |
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