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From: Rachy (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-15
Subject: Re: Snapshot files for emulators

> > 15-23 TED special: 9 bytes of special values, required by proper TED
> > emulation.
> They are not enough. You need to store not only the current raster line,
> but also the horizontal position, for instance. And not only the timer
> value that will be loaded when the timer next reaches zero, but also the
> current timer state. Also, I didn't see anything about the current values
> of sound registers or even about the values to be loaded to them.
Right: I did not think about the $FF1E, because my emulator is a line-
based one, and calculates $FF1E values, when the processor reads.
(Writes are not handled... That would be a hard job.) Can be stored at the memory area of $FF1E in RAM dump, like other processor-
readable regs.
Timer value is stored. See TIMER1_MAX field. Others are running free.
Sound needs no extra states to store. (Or do so?)

> Storing only the registers that can be directly read by the 7501 processor
> is not enough, you also have to store some internal states.
What kind of other internal states? I think all was stored.

> It would make sense to have some sort of tagged file format, so that you
> can add sections to the file later, and programs that don't recognize the
> sections (e.g. detailed state of the sound emulation) can simply skip over
> them. And the format could be changed later without having to be
> incompatible with old versions.
Tagged format would be good, but I think there is no reason for. I will implement it, if you think.


Rajnai Almos

| Rachy of Bi0Hazard | Only Amiga makes it |TankcsapdaMeta| F0NT! |
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