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From: TLC (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-14
Subject: Re:64K

On Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:05:09 -0700 (PDT), Cameron Kaiser wrote:

>> C16 users should upgrade to 64K - I'm thinking about doing a web page on
>> this operation. It really does open up many extra oppurtunities (as well
>> as being an easy and "fun" mod to do).

> Is it as simple as putting in 4164s instead of 4116s, or is there more
> involved? Mind sending me a copy for the Commodore Knowledge Base's archives?

Replacing the chips by 41464's, cutting two routes on the PCB and connecting two pins to the addresslines by wires.

I'll look for the exact description, anyway it's just a simple hack except the removing of the old memory chips.


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