| From: TLC (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-12
Subject: Re: FF30, timers, FF11
> would you share your experience with us in some usable format? Eg. a
> nice tablet of analogue or digital values for each value of $FF11? (I
> need only values between $80 and $ff...)
You'll indeed, need values between 00 and $ff. Else, no digital converters of Doky, maybe NST and ofcoz' mine will be emulated correctly.
Please also measure the values in my table (I mean, setting the TED Frq regs to those high values, and then also checking $10...$18,
$20...$28 and $30...$38 like $90...$98 and the others.). ...It would give us (...me) an answer for this weird behaviour of the TED.
Ps. A lowpass filter is quite like an integrater, huh? Then, how about feeding the TED's output through a strong lowpass filter, then measuring the filter output's DC level? ...I mean, after disconnecting everything else from the TED's output (except our lowpass filter) to avoid parasite currents.
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