| From: Csabo (all posts)
Date: 2000-09-09
Subject: Sound stuff
TLC: Excellent article! I was VERY glad to read about this stuff - believe it or not, but this is exactly what I was wondering about nowadays. Since my plus4 is still not working :-( I was considering posting a message to ask someone to do the same (use a small routine to output stuff to $FF11 and digitize it on a PC).
So here's my feedback on all of this:
1) Can you please post the WAV file somewhere?
2) Can you post your new DIGI table? ;-)
3) The rest is just general wonderings. First of all, I really don't know much about this area, so forgive my ignorance... But it's SOOO interesting!
I was surprised to hear that for example $77 on $FF11 would output LOUDER sound than $B5 but softer than $B6. When I used to play around with this stuff on my real Plussy, I remember using values $90-98, and $B0-$B8 (that's what I saw in other people's routines...) Did I understand the above correctly?
TLC, did you hear my demo (DrumMix3)? Does it sound ok? If you are saying that your new tables did not improve the output that much, then... This is what I'm thinking: for playing samples on the Plus4 we could use 16 levels of volume. Traditionally(???) we use 7 or 8, right? At least I did. The reason of course is space. If we use a 'big' table, each 'unit' would take a byte. But if we stick to 4bits/'unit' then at least we could use all the values that the 4 bits can provide... Is this clear?
Also, I really didn't get the bit about the frq stuff. Why does it matter what freqency you set the two oscillators? Why/how does it affect digi output? I for one would appreciate if you could elaborate on this a bit.
You suggested two possible uses for this piece of info: 1) improve emulators, 2) improve TED sound output. 3) is: improve a routine that converts PC WAV files to Plus4 playable format... That's what I'm working on. I should put up the source so you'd finish it for me ;-)
Thanks for the EXCELLENT article, and keep up the good work, buddy!!! I'm hoping to see an entry from you on the C=16 democompo...
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