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From: Marko_Mäkelä
Date: 1999-10-07
Subject: Emulators and tapes
On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Christian Johannesdotter wrote:

> Marko, do you know the ATARI emulator for C64... Like the Spectrum
> Emulator it needs tapes, too. I also got a PET Emulator for the C64
> and a bunch of PET Basic Progs. I think this Emulator could be
> converted to plus/4. (Well, actually most of these Basic prgs should
> run on plus/4 without the emulator.)

No, I don't know it. I have seen a some emulators for the C64, and they didn't impress me at all. One claimed to be a VIC-20 emulator. It didn't even try to emulate a 22x23 screen (not to mention other sizes you can select by modifying the VIC-I registers). One PET emulator I know about only redirects some BASIC program text pointers, so that the programs will work at $0400-$7fff.

BTW, I got an idea: store Commodore programs on audio CDs and connect the CD player to the cassette port. A raw bit-rate of 44100 bits per second per channel is possible, and with 4:5 GCR coding you would get one byte in
10 bits. I wrote some code and counted cycles yesterday and noticed that storing the data and incrementing and comparing the pointer takes so much time that it's better to leave two unused bits per byte. So, 12 bits of byte is 3675 bytes per second, or 64k in a bit less than 18 seconds.


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