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From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1999-04-21
Hi there,

> Logo, meaning or life? :-)

Well, that's a good question indeed... :)

> > However, they looked in their storage rooms and found 2 ATARI JOYPADS
> > (with two fire buttons, I think these are not implied on the standard
> > C64 Joyboard), I bought them, since 1.95 seemed to be a fair deal.
> > Want one?
> That would be a nice addition to my collection.

I'll try to send one if it's not skyrocketing the postage...

> If I remember correctly, the boot sector among the first sectors, together
> with the partition table. You can use the undocumented command
> "fdisk /mbr" to write the standard boot sector (master boot record). But
> don't ask me for M$-related things: I switched to Linux in 1993 and hated
> DOS all the years I had to use it (2 or 3 years, that is).

That might help, I'll try it in the summer when I'm back in my hometown...
Hey DR DOS is not M$ :) And even that old version on the Olivetti PC is Y2K proof!!! It works till 2099 though in standard dirs you can't tell the difference between files from 1980 and those from 2080.

> Do you have Sopwith (a really great CGA game)?

Gee.... guess what's already on my HD? Actually I had that one on my PC20
(which I dropped unfortunately) but you couldn't quit (exit) that version.
The version I got now allows "back to DOS". There's also another SHAREWARE Game called "JUMPJET" which is quite similar. It's not like the plus/4
JUMPJET prog. To make this a bit more on-topic :)

> To make this message a bit more
> on-topic: Is there anything similar for the plus/4 or other Commodores?
> Sopwith is a 2D flying game where you have to defend yourself from enemy
> planes and destroy all buildings on the ground. It's really nice, because
> you can also use bombs against aircraft and the machine gun against
> houses. And you may not shoot cows. Okay, there is Blue Max, but it's
> trying to be 3D, and there is no fixed playfield in that game.

I remember a game by BUGSOFT (around 1986) in which you had to shoot stuff from a plane... However, my copy always crashed. So I don't know any details. It was more like a DEFENDER CLONE, though.
Furthermore, somebody from Hungary (MUFFBUSTERS?) converted this C64
classic with parachutes... PARATROOPERS?

So long,

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