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From: Cameron Kaiser
Date: 1999-01-20
Subject: Re: Check SID Version !
>If there's no SID connected, the data read will be just like the data read
>from $de00-$dfff, i.e. if the computer is "$de00 compatible", then the
>byte read from unconnected address space will be equal to the byte that
>was read by the video chip in the previous cycle. Not even nearly all
>C64s are "$de00 compatible": there may be some randomness in the data. On
>a compatible machine, it is possible to write a program that runs in the
>$de00-$dfff area, or even in the color RAM.

Isn't the routine for a Plus/4?

Cameron Kaiser *** http://calvin.ptloma.edu/~spectre/ *** spectre@ptloma.edu
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