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From: TLC (all posts)
Date: 1998-11-15
Subject: Re: need sum converters!

On Sun, 8 Nov 1998 01:26:10 +0100, haegar-synergy@t-online.de (Michael) wrote:

> b1 is backgroundcolor 1 and b2 is Backgroundcolor 2.
> Knows anyone the construktion of TLC FLI-GFX? I found only 2 GFX areas, not the
> colorareas. Is it FLI or Interlace? I think it's the last one.

Which one? ...I mean, the one found in my FLI editor, or the other interlaced one?

The first can be found in the doc of the FLI editor. ...In short,
it consists of a multicolor bitplane, and 8 pieces of 2k color+intensity tables, whose second 1k is lost each. The file loads to $4000, here is the first colortable, at $4400 you find a FLI viewer routine. Somewhere there is also a small table for the raster-colors for $ff16. The bitplane starts at $8000.

The second one, I don't remember. There are two full different frames.
Each frames consist of a bitplane and 4x2k of colors with the appropri8
raster tables for $ff16. Actually, there is some trick with the place of the colors+intensities. ...And don't expect much, the viewer still has some bugs.


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