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From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1998-09-23
Subject: To Cameron: MAGIC DESK (again)
Howdy Cameron,
I've just been to your "SECRET WEAPONS" site... Cool! Check this out: I know a guy who owns a 232! It was just a proto type and had some software bugs... SOLDER who is also on this list fixed it. (That's what I heard!)
Earlier on this list I asked about the "MAGIC DESK" GUI which was supposed to be one of the optional programs to come with the plus/4. I have an article about the CEBIT 1984 which stated that this one was running on a plus/4. However, no one I know has ever seen this program. In a different article about a query on the C64 version is stated that the programmer left commodore... Since you seem to be able to get in contact with CBM people please ask 'em about MAGIC DESK on plus/4. The article mentioned above said that "scratched files were flying into a trashcan"... on plus/4
in 1984, I can't believe it! Hey guys, I just thought about this... APPLE saw MAGIC DESK and said "You can't release this, it's violating our copyrights!" Remember what they did to GEM? OK, I got carried away... BUT what happened to MAGIC DESK on plus/4?
Furthermore, I have an old issue of "RUN" magazine (German) which shows a
264... Instead of "plus/4" it really says "264" on the case. Additionally,
the keyboard layout is a bit "funny", e.g. some keys are blank and stuff like that.
What about the 364's numeric keyboard? Is there an easy way to "recover"
this on standard plus/4s?

See ya,

What I like best about the C128 crew is the "LINK ARMS, DONT MAKE THEM!"
statement! Do you know who suggested that?

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