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From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1998-06-29
Subject: LONG ONE!
What's up!

First of all, some answers to Levente...

> BTW, my favourite was - also, no offense - 'Single FCOPY', I mean, the one
> which was modified to work with parallel 1541 drives. It was very fast,
> but its reliability was the same as you told about Ceekay's copiers.

Are you using a parallel 1541 drive on your plus/4? I have two 1541 II drives (two different ones, though. One ejects the disk and one which doesn't. The ejecting one is 1000 times better... The other one bugs regularly if speeders go up to the limits) but none is parallel connected.
I'm really not into hardware, figuering out which is the hot side of a solder is already too much :) But SOLDER could build the parallel connection if somebody would post a layout!

> This was the worst on parties, where everybody wanted to copy everything,
> of course, fast; since 1551's were not much popular (they still aren't
> much popular at all), some people used modified parallel 1541's with
> the copier above. With no error check, of course :-(.

Yeah... The same happend to me on a party in Neustadt in 1991, organized with DAN (at that time still TRACK 0). Back then, I just had a 1551
drive... Unfortunately, I only got HD Disks (actually my good 1541 II works fine with HD disks!)... So I copied 20 disks full of HOTTEST STUFF and a week later I wasn't able to read a single file without bugs!
Otherwise, the 1551 is really much better than the 1541! (Selectable Sector Interleave... COOL!)

> However, is there somebody on this list to look for an 1551 for Marko?
> ..He asked me to look for one (since it's still much more popular in
> HU than even Germany), but I found none. Also, I own no 1551.

I always wanted a second 1551, too. So I checked the COMPUTER FLOHMARKT
(vintage computer stuff) and others... The Problem is, people ususally want around 120 DM for a 1551. I'm living on a rather limited budget and since I DO have a social life.... I really think, it's to much for an old disk drive. Still, if anybody is interested in a 1551 I'll check some places.

> (But, maybe, I'll get an SFD1001 this week :-) ).

Cool drive, now that's mass media! Once, I messed around on a CBM 8296
which was hooked up with a SFD 1001... Btw, it doesn't take HD disks!

> Could you list a few of his one disk games, maybe I could find the one
> I played.

I guess it was DROLE, a platform type game. Actually, that's the only one disk game (except KARATEKA) by CEEKAY which I know of. BOBBY BEARING, a labyrinth type game (originally from SINCLAIR SPECTRUM) was not a one disk game. Well, maybe it was...

> Hhhehe... Pseudo scroll ROOLZ.
> Your text reads as 'Every the <of the floppy> <end (of something)> the
> continue <the space>'

Well, actually it was a modern poem in free verse called "Ode to the Hungarian Language" :)

> Well, Hungarian is something special in opposition with any other Eastern
> European languages. It belongs to none of the popular language groups.
> It is quite far related to Finnish (which is not a common known language
> either), the others are much less known populations.

I know that... In Germany that language family is called "finn-ugrisch"...
Finnish is funny, too... 'cause it got sooooo many double "a"s and stuff.
Talking about Finnish, I just remembered a stupid joke:

Was heißt Sonnenuntergang auf finnisch?

It's kinda like a pun... so translation spoils it! Don't worry, it's not really funny... Though, here's a good one which also deals with languages:

Eleven American soldiers are raping a German girl. She screams: "Nein,
nein!" Two soldiers leave...

> > What happened to CSM's and WIT's band? Are they still in the music
> > business?
> ASS? :-) (...I remember, it was the name of CSM's band).

I think VORTEX merged with MB (only JEVA) forming ANARCHY... Scene history is quite interesting! Especially HUNGARIAN scene history cause some people have been members of different groups and stuff. Something like a family tree would be cool!

> I'm especially interested in WIT's way. What happened to him after Metal
> Ass?

The last thing I heard was that he was quiting due to his (and CSM's) band!

> I don't think so. You're German, so I suppose you should know the German
> Plus/4 'scene' better.

Well, it's not really a scene anymore... Before I went to the States in
1992 it was gettin' quite cool. Aside from people like PIT and Ceekay,
there was something like a RENAISSACE of party organizing and so... Damn,
that could've been a new start! However, the problem in Germany always was that some people used their plus/4s as "serious" computers... They didn't have the slightest idea about "scene culture", no interest in demos, and they usually spoiled parties. (Well, to cool local ones, we never invited those people!) Well, I'm not saying that you can not use your plus/4 for word processing and stuff like that, but in my point of view the plus/4
is a pure "freak machine"... I love demos! Actually, it's also a problem of communication, you try to keep in touch but you never do! Know what I mean?! Therefore, I really like e-mail!

> I can say, that at least, here at Hungary, there is no Plus/4 scene at all
> (except the people you met on this list).

Too bad :( Until people in Germany "discovered" Hungarian programs around
1988/89 the plus/4 was already dying (it was never that popular in the first place). Thanks to Hungarian coders, the plus/4 scene was revitalized. Of course I know all the "This is my last DEMO on plus/4",
accompanied by a melancholic tune, scroll texts... Reading them, I always felt a piece of myself dying! (I guess, I'm getting a little carried away...) Anyway, I was so glad, when I heard about CROWN's re-entering the
"scene"! Hopefully, more dudes from BACK THEN will join in! A major problem of the plus/4 scene was also that almost nobody ever said a word about appreciation... If you get no response you'll quit coding! Anyway, I think we could make it cool again!

> Maybe, Luca/FIRE should know more (do you know his diskmag, LoneNews which
> is still in business?).

Yeah, I've got some issues... Btw, I still got plans for my own disk mag
(Now, that was a real fashion, huh?)... I'll see in term break!

Wow, this is a long one..
So long,

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