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From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1998-06-22
Subject: SCRATCHING...
How's hangin...

Whew, I haven´t been able to drop by this place for ages. Thanks for not flooding my mail box :) Stupid exams... I´m really lookin´ forward to the term break! Well, here we go...

2 Levente
> Do you mean: it's the one, whose digis were used in Wit's Rap demo?

Yeah, thinkin´ about it... You might be right. I just remember the SCRATCH! Anyways, that tune is pretty cool on SID...

> I remember I must have the original one somewhere. Also, seem to remember
> it was converted to Plus/4. Maybe, Ceekay, or whoever?

Righty... The Demo was called "QUESTIONMARK". I didn´t like his demos,
though. He tended to not giving credits to the original coders and his programs (especially disk copies) were bug loaded... Well, I shouldn´t talk about dead ones.

> Well, should found some musics utilizing 3+2 chns.

I heard there was a source code published in "64´er" Does anyone have that issue?

> I haven't heard just one converted to Plus/4.

Neither have I...

> > His MEGADEMO was one of the first C64
> > demos I ever saw and I know that some parts were converted to plus/4.
> Like the effect in some Muffbusters intros?

Intros? I don´t remember... However, in one Muffbusters Demo there was a part featuring an "extended" BROS logo and the "When Will I Be Famous"
tune by Jeroen Tel (Those were the days!) plus a wobbling scroller. That part was almost 100% like HIC's.

Plus, I´ve seen a single file demo featuring HIC's CHAR animation FX... I think that one was converted by HEAD, WACKY or CALLISTO.
Furthermore, the Madonna digi (I don´t recall the song name, "... to tell"
or something like that, it's on the TRUE BLUE album) was used by Muffbusters in some demo.

OK, buddy... Enjoy the 3 Bs (BEACH, BABES and BEERS)!

Hi Crown,
what about your new provider/internet access? Got it? Do you have a copy of that unreleased 3 Voices Digiplayer by Pigmy... You mentioned that one a couple of days/weeks ago.

Is the Lemmings Preview available? Back then, things never really arrived in Germany. Probably, there are even more hidden gems somewhere in the hungarian backwoods or PUSZTA or whatever you guys call it.

Have you fixed the DECRUNCH routy of the PUsomething Cruncher? If not,
could you re-post the addy (source code)... Unfortunately, I deleted that one :(

So long...

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